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Silas's Pov-
It's been a few days since Y/n's accident, she's been improving very well and she is eager to get out of bed. Today we all start our training, as we all have different enhancements we are training at different times.

Pietro and I are training with Steve and Tony. Tony is making suits that fit our capabilities, Steve is teaching us hand-to-hand combat.
Wanda is training with Natasha and Clint. Clint can teach Wanda how to use her powers accurately and not miss targets, as Natasha can teach her techniques for using her powers and assisting the team.
Y/n is training with Bucky, as they have the same experience. Bucky also knows how to assist her in combat training.

"Hey Silas, you ready to train?" Pietro tapped on the door frame, "Let's go kick some ass." I hear Pietro laugh at my remark. We headed to the training room, Steve had already set out equipment for todays session. "You guys ready to train, training sessions normally take 2-3 hours at most. Today we will be focusing on striking with power, follow me and we will get started."

• • •

Everything hurts, holy shit. Never again. "It gets easier, this is the first session. Your bodies will adapt." Steve smirks at our struggles. "Hey Steve, would we ever be able to become Avengers? Or is that not in the picture?" Pietro gives me a concerned look. "I don't see why you guys couldn't become Avengers, it will take time though. You need extensive training to be able to go on the classified missions." I nod.
"I'm going to head to the shower, you should stink." Pietro slaps me round the head "Hey hey I was joking, chill out. Do you know when Wanda is training?" I ask. "Wanda is training once we finish up, I'm also certain Y/n is training today. So we better hurry up so they can do their sessions." Pietro makes a good point.

I head to my room, grabbing a fresh towel I make my way to the shower. I let the water run down my aching body. I finally finish my shower as I wrap the towel round my waist, "Hey Silas-" Y/n bursts into my room without a care in the world. "Shit i'm sorry, I didn't realise you were getting changed." I laugh at her "What did you need?" "What should I wear to training, Wanda is already away so I didn't get the chance to ask her." She holds up two outfits in front of me, "That one, I point to the one on the left." I watch as she quickly makes a run for her room.

Your Pov-
I sprint into my room and I quickly stick on the outfit Silas chose..

Your Pov-I sprint into my room and I quickly stick on the outfit Silas chose

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..I start to walk down to the training room.Bucky wasn't here yet, I took it upon myself to warm up before he arrived, the punching bag seemed like a good start.
I didn't bother to put gloves on before I started punching the bag, as I get lost in thoughts all the hydra memories replay in my head. The memories become clearer as I punch the bag harder, the torturing sent me over the edge and the next thing is I watch the bag fly across the room. I drop to my knees and tears start flooding down my face.
"Oh my god Y/n" a voice suddenly appears. I turn around, knuckles bleeding and bruised staring at the red head. "Natasha, hey-" I sniffle.
She hesitantly walks towards me with her arms out, "Come here" I approach her with caution. She brings me into a tight hug.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She takes my hand and leads me to the medical room. "Natasha i'm fine honestly, I don't need this. I can take care of myself." I snap, "Oh really? You can take care of yourself? Look at your hands Y/n, that's not taking care of yourself!" She snaps back at me. She grabs supplies to clean my wounds and dresses them with ease.

"There. All done. Now you can go." I sit on the table stuck in place, "Go on Y/n leave." "Nata-" "NO! You don't get to do that, I understand that we haven't known each other that long but I still care!" I flinch at her shouting. "I-I'm sorry, I-" "Save it Y/n!" She storms out of the room.

"Dam it!" I yell hitting flipping the medical table over. I curl up in the corner of the room, tears threatening to appear. I can't do this, I don't know what got over me, she was only trying to help.
I need to get fresh air. I stand up and start walking past the main room hearing laughter fill the air, I grab a bag and fill it with clothes and scribbled down a note.

That was it. I sneak past the main room and kitchen hoping no one would spot me and I run out the compound door, sprinting as fast I can into the forest . I only wonder if i'm making the right decision, is this the best option for me? Yes.

• • •

I've been roaming around for a few hours, unsure of what I could stumble upon. This forest must be massive, it's never ending. It's starting to get cold, we are heading into the winter months and Wanda says New York gets cold.
The forest is beautiful the lightly cover of snow on the trees, gives off a sparkle in the moonlight. This is a dream, this is perfect.
I guess I am setting up camp here for a while, well, at least till morning comes around. I brought a blanket and extra clothes incase it gets cold or my current clothes get damaged.
Star gazing is my favourite thing to do, even when I was little. The star sightings in Sokovia were beautiful, feels just like home. Smiling at the thought my parents are watching down on me, I start to drift off.

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