wet dream‼️

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real life

i turned around, snuggling into vinnie's body heat as he wraps his arms around me in his sleep.

i was under vinnie, being rocked forward every time he thrusted into me as he tongue kissed me deeply. his tongue explored my mouth, taking in each and every detail of it. my legs were wrapped around his waist, whimpering each time his tip hit my sensitive spot.

my head wanted this to be real so bad, i started to rub my legs together to create some sort of release for myself.

my nails began scratching down his back and he winced in pleasure as he lowered his head down to my neck, leaving love marks there. it wasn't until he reached his hand down, rubbing my clit in figure eights with his thumb when i started moaning out his name, throwing my head back, giving him more access to my neck.

"mm, vinnie." i whimpered out, wiggling around in my sleep. my hips started bucking up into the air, acting as if the dream was happening right now. i felt around for something to grip onto and i finally took ahold of his arm, digging my nails into it. "more." i moaned out, my eyes squeezing shut.

vinnie's pov:
my eyes slowly opened when i felt nails being dug into my skin, followed by someone that sounded a lot like y/n, moaning 'more.'

when i opened them, i looked at y/n, seeing her lips slightly parted as she wiggled around in her sleep. i couldn't help but chuckle to see her like this. she was clearly having a wet dream and it would only be rude of me not to help her out.

i waited until her moaning started getting louder, mumbling my name along with it. i removed the covers off her body to be met with her now stained panties. i bit my lip, feeling myself growing harder at the sight in front of me.

i adjusted my body in between her legs, pulling her pants down and throwing them somewhere in the room. even in the dark of the room, i could still make out how slick and wet her pussy was. i looked up at her to see she was now biting her lip, gripping her pillow instead of my arm.

i looked back down, using my finger to run it up and down her folds gently, collecting her pool of wetness. that made her twitch, whimpering, even though i had barely touched her. i removed my finger, sucking off her juices and moaning slightly at the sweet taste.

i didn't waste anymore time before diving my face right in her pussy, wrapping my arms around her legs. she instantly started bucking her hips into my face, moaning loudly. i closed my eyes, taking in her mouth-watering goodness, making sure my tongue sucked and licked in all the right spots.

i knew she was awake when i felt her hands tug on my hair tightly. i opened my eyes, looking up to see her head thrown back as she continued to moan my name quietly. i smiled against her as i grabbed her by her thighs aggressively, flipping us over so i'm on back and my face is right underneath her body.

y/n's pov:
i looked down at vinnie, adjusting myself so his tongue is inside my hole, tongue fucking me. i let out a loud moan as i rode his face slowly, savoring this moment for as long as i could. of course i kept questioning myself as to how we got this far in the first place. he must have heard me moaning in my sleep or something.

"i'm so close, please don't stop." i moan out as he attaches his lips to my clit, now sucking on it, making wet kissing sounds echo throughout the room.

"fuck yes, just like that." i held onto the headboard for support as i felt my legs quiver around his head. the pleasure was so overwhelming, i felt i needed a break so i started to lift off his face but he grabs my hips, forcing me back down. "ugh." i whine as i throw my head back, loving and hating his dominance at the same time.

the pressure in my lower abdomen became tighter until it was released. i came all over his face and tongue, letting out everything i had. my legs shook around his head as he lapped up all the cum he could.

i took deep breaths as i opened my eyes back up, weakly crawling off of his face, laying back on my side of the bed. "mmm, that was so hot." vinnie mumbles as he watches me lay down on my side. "mhm." was all i could get out as sleepiness washed over me. he chuckled, pulling the covers back over my body.

i felt him give me a quick kiss on my head before laying beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling my back closer to his chest. we fell asleep just like that.

i didnt have school today🤪

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