annoying prank

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i sigh, sitting criss cross on the floor in the living room as i stare directly into the camera. "guys... i'm back at it again with another good prank video for you guys."

"this prank is gonna be so good- i might pee just thinking about it."

"or i might pee because i actually have to go pee." i look around, thinking for a second. "let me go pee."

after i pee, i sit back in the same spot. "i'm done pissing."

"so, as you can tell from hera's excitement for this prank, it's gonna be good." i lean over, holding hera in my hands. she just stares at the camera with a blank expression. "be excited, whore." she continues sitting there.

"okay, fine. be like that." i put her back down then look back at the camera. "okay so-"


i turn around towards the room where vinnie had shouted because of the game. "umm- i am so sorry for his actions."

"that's actually the reason why we're doing this prank on him today because he's been glued to the game all day, not giving a bitch attention so i thought it'd be the perfect plan to get him to pay attention to me."

"i am going to use any and everything to get on his nerves as he plays his game. the goal is to get him so angry, he gets off the game and cuddles with a lonely gal named y/n."

"i've never really bothered him while he plays the game. the minimal i would do is straddle his lap as he plays and then he'd just cuddle me while i lay on his chest but that's about it. sometimes he would be playing too much and i'd have to be the one to tell him to get off and he usually would so i don't know if it'd take much for him to get off and cuddle with me."

"but we'll see-"


"SHUT UP!" i yell, turning towards the room once again. "YOU!" he yells back. i turn back towards the camera, rolling my eyes. "he's so aggy."

"why do all my intros have to be so chaotic? i'm just tryna talk to my people." i roll my eyes once again before picking up the camera.

"okay, i'm going to get started with this prank, make sure you guys like, comment and subscribe because you already know i'm the queen of pranking and no one can compare to me. lets go."

i walk inside the room and vinnie pays me no attention as i set the camera up right beside his gaming set up so that way it can see me annoying him and vinnie playing.

i look around, looking for ways to bother him. maybe i should start with putting hera in his lap. he hates that, especially when he's playing.

i walk back into the living room to see hera licking her skin and i pick her up, bringing her into our room. i kiss her head before placing her in vinnie's lap. he doesn't pay attention to it until she starts unintentionally clawing her nails into his bare leg.

"ow! get her off me, y/n." he demands at me and i cross my arms, ignoring him as i stand behind him. "get her offfff." he says again as she moves around.

"no, love your daughter." i tell him. "bruh." he sucks his teeth, removing his hands from his game before placing her back on the floor.

"WHY ARE YOU BEING RUDE TO HER!? LOOK AT HER, SHE'S CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU." i yell really loud, enough for the people in the mic to hear me. "stop fucking yelling." vinnie scolds, returning his attention back to the game.

"stop fucking yelling." i mimic him but he ignores me. "STOP FUCKING YELLING." i say louder, hoping he turns around but he doesn't, he just continues talking in the mic so i pick up one of his headphones off his ear. "I SAID, STOP FUCKING YELLING!" i yell, in his ear.

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