couple q&a

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i start the camera and then sit back on the bed, next to vinnie.

we both look at each other for a good couple seconds then start bursting out laughing. he falls back onto our bed and i facepalm myself as we both sit there, laughing at absolutely nothing.

"okay, okay, stop. we have to make this video." i smack his leg as i try to stop myself from laughing.

"come on, seriously." i get ready to smack his leg again but he catches my hand, leaning back up.

"hey guys, welcome back to our chaotic youtube channel." i say, over enthusiastically. "neeeed crack." vinnie begins scratching his neck, acting as if he's a crack addict. i stare at him with a dirty look.

"you're single." i get up from the bed.

"okay, so, if you guys don't know-  vinnn, stop." he was making my hands clap together as i talked. he looks at me and i look back at him. "we're gonna box." he says, letting go of my arm.

"let's fucking box then." i flip him off and he pretends to gag on my finger.

i yank my hand away then playfully shove him. "horny ass."

"so, guys, before start this video, i'd like to say a few words." i say to the camera.

"if you don't know, which, you probably do because it's literally trending on all platforms. me and vinnie are a couple, okay? yes, we're toxic and crazy and freaky but we're a couple. not friends, not friends with benefits, a couple. i'm tired of seeing all the assumptions and rumors going around saying vinnie and renata are together. cause bitch, NO. they are not." i wrap my arms around vinnie. "he's mine, all mine and no one else's but mine and i don't share."

vinnie kisses the top of my head. "period." he says in a girl voice. "yeah, so, we thought we should come on here and address some of your assumptions and answer some of your questions."

i look at vinnie who was looking at my lips the whole time i was talking.

"where's my phone?" i ask him, starting to look around for it.

i get up and lift up the covers. vinnie leans over to me and slaps my ass pretty hard. "owwwww!!" i dramatically yell.

"i didn't even hit you that hard." he rolls his eyes as i start walking back over to him. i pretend i'm going to hit him and he jerks back. "chill." he says, laughing.

"your phone is on my dick." vinnie jokes then continues to laugh.

"is it really?" i put my hands in his sweatpants as his mouth forms into an o shape. i feel around for my phone but all i feel is his hard dick.

"okay, my phone is not in there." i say, rolling my eyes as i get ready to take my hands out but he grabs them. "vinnie, stop. we're on camera." i scold him, yanking my arm back.

i finally find my phone which was on my night stand and then sit back down, opening up instagram to see all of the questions.

"so, i have the setting on where all of these are random so i literally have no idea what i'm getting myself into." i tell the camera.

vinnie takes my phone out of my hand, almost making me hit him but i calm down. "i wanna do the first one." he says as i roll my eyes. he's such a baby.

he clicks on one of them and then reads it. "how did you guys meet." he reads aloud.

"i wanna answer it." i whine. "no, no, i wanna answer the first part, you answer the second part." he says. i nod in agreement.

"sooo, we met a year ago because of larray. basically, it's actually funny. so like, larray threw this big ass party and he invited me, y/n and a bunch of other people to his house." i look at vinnie as he talks, admiring him.

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