movie theater‼️

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me and vinnie walk hand in hand inside the cinema where batman's previews are playing.

vinnie has a large bag of popcorn in his other hand while i have a large slurpee in mine.

as we walk to the back of the cinema, i look around to see there are only a couple people seated in the front and some in the middle. vinnie and i expected it to be a full house but i guess we're the last bunch to watch the movie.

we both take our seats next to each other, placing our food on the floor in front of us.

"don't kick it." i jokingly whisper to vinnie and he chuckles, moving the popcorn out of his feet range.

"i thought there'd be more people." vinnie says, taking a look around.

"i did too." i told him, taking a handfull of popcorn and stuffing it in my mouth.

"you know what that means, right?" he turns to me, raising his eyebrows in a flirtatious way.

"yeah, peace and quiet." i say, knowing what he means but ignoring it.

"not for them." he continues acting flirtatious.

"vinnie, stop. we're not having sex in a movie theater." i roll my eyes, taking a sip from the slurpee.

"you say that now." he mumbles under his breath which makes me roll my eyes once again.


as the movie went on, i regretted not bringing a blanket from how cold it was inside. drinking the slurpee also didn't help.

me and vinnie's seats were leaned back all the way so i scooted over closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder.

i feel him kiss my forehead as he wraps his arm around me, bringing me closer to him.

i smile as his body heat radiates off to my cold one. i look up at him and kiss his cheek before looking back at the screen.

a couple minutes later, vinnie struggles to find a comfortable position to lay. he twists and turns, mostly thrusting his hips up at times.

he takes a deep breath, unwrapping his arm around me as he frusteratingly leans his head back.

i look at him, a confused look on my face. "what's your problem?" i whisper quietly.

he sighs again, turning to me. "you really wanna know?" he asks me.

"yeah, that's why i asked." i sarcastically respond.

"give me your hand." he instructs and i mindlessly listen, extending my arm out to him.

he grabs it and guides it down to his crotch and my fingers feel how hard he's gotten. it was poking through his sweatpants, begging to be let out.

"did you seriously get that turned on by batman?" i joke, moving my hand up and down to tease him.

he releases a long breath. "please, just do something about it." he begs.

i sigh, rolling my eyes as i take a look around the theater. everyone that was in was paying attention to the movie. what's the worse that could happen? "okay, okay."

he smiles widely, immediately lifting his hips up to pull down his sweatpants and boxers just enough for me to take out his cock.

as soon as he releases his dick, it springs up, twitching and leaking pre-cum.

"sheesh, vin." i mutter before taking my hand, wrapping my hand around the base of his dick, stroking him up and down.

he lets out a desperate whine, throwing his head back. i bring my head down, swirling my tongue around the pre-cum from his tip.

"suck it." he whispers desperately and i roll my eyes before wrapping my mouth around his cock, slowly bobbing my head up and down.

i was only sucking the tip and he was not having it. he bunches a handful of my hair with his fist, forcing my head down to take all of him.

his tip touches the back of my throat over and over each time he pushes my head down. he bites his lip hard, his face turning red from the pleasure.

he finally lets my hair go, which means i had to do it on my own. i was desperate to get him to cum so i bring both my hands to his dick, stroking him in a circular motion as i sucked his tip hard, letting my saliva leave my mouth.

"fuckk." i hear him whisper under his breath as his stomach moves up and down fast from how hard he's breathing.

his hands wander to find something to pull at. he finally ends up gripping the seat beside him.

i speed up my pace, tightening my grip around him. both his hands fly to my hair, pushing my head down hard. before i knew it, i felt his hot cum shoot down my throat, his breathing hard and shaky.

i swallow his cum as much as i can before lifting my head up, wiping off what was left on the side of my mouth, licking that as well.

vinnie's hair was sticking to his forehead as he was trying to come down from his high, it taking him longer than usual.

"you're so fucking amazing." vinnie reaches over, using his hand to grab my throat and bring my face closer to his. he kisses me deeply, our tongues clashing together so he can taste himself.

we pull away from the kiss and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to straddle his lap.

"vin, no." i whisper as he pulls my skirt up, bringing my panties to the side.

"come on, please. i wanna feel you." he whines, running his hands up and down my sides.

i couldn't resist him. plus sucking him off always makes me wet and turned on.

"vinnie, you know i can't be quiet." i whine but he ignores my complaints, running his tip up and down my folds.

i sigh, resting my forehead on his shoulder as i bite my lip to lessen my moans.

he finally slides me down and i grip onto his arm, using that instead of being able to moan.

vinnie breathes deeply in my ear as i sink down all the way. he digs his nails into my thighs, also focusing on not moaning.

i start moving back and forth, feeling him so deep inside me. "fuck." i whisper, speeding up my pace.

vinnie grabs my chin and brings his lips to mine, kissing me passionately.

i feel his hands travel to my ass, squeezing it with both his large hands. i know he wanted to smack it but the sound would make too much noise.

"gonna cum." i whisper in vinnie's ear and he nods. "me too."

just as we're both at our peak, "hey! mommy, what are they doing?" a little boy asks and i quickly get off vinnie before the mom follows the boy's gaze.

she gapes her mouth open as she sees what had just happened as me and vinnie adjust our clothes. me and vinnie quickly take note that she was a karen and we share a knowing look, both of us trying not to laugh.

me and vinnie get ready to bolt out of there and we almost make it all the way down but then i realize we forgot the popcorn.

"vinnie, i want the popcorn!" i shout at him and he laughs, running back up to grab it then quickly comes back, taking my hand as we run out of there.

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