under the table‼️

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your outfit:

his outfit:

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his outfit:

"babe, you ready to go?" vinnie asks me as i spray my perfume all over my body

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"babe, you ready to go?" vinnie asks me as i spray my perfume all over my body. "yup." i tell him, turning around to see him in one of his best outfits. i poke my lip out, unbuttoning a few of his buttons on the top. "you look handsome."

he smiles big, pecking my forehead softly. "gotta make a good impression." he comments nervously and i scoff. "please, my parents love you. there's no need to be nervous." i assure him.

he nods, bringing me into a hug. i smile, wrapping my arms around him and stuffing my face into his chest. i breathe in, smelling his intoxicating smell. "the only thing that's going to be a challenge is keeping my hands to myself with you in that dress." he mumbles, grabbing my ass with his hand. i chuckle at him, rubbing his back a bit as we rock back and forth.

"you know, we can have a quickie before we leave." he whispers as he trails his hand up my dress. i bite my lip, almost caving in but then soon coming back to my senses. "i want to, but we're supposed to be at my parents house at 9 and it takes us 30 minutes to drive there." i inform him, letting go of the hug to look at him.

he whines, rubbing his face with his hands before giving me puppy dog eyes, poking his bottom lip out. "please." he begs. i shake my head, taking his hand to lead him towards the car. "you'll be fine, babe." i tell him, grabbing one of the keys off the hook.

i turn to him. "do you wanna drive or are you going to continue to have your temper tantrum?" i ask him, swinging the keys in between my fingers. he gives me a playful death stare as he takes the keys from my hand, walking out the house. i giggle to myself, turning the lights off before walking out behind him.

after about 30 minutes, we finally arrive to my parents house and we get out of the car. i look at at him, noticing he still looked kind of nervous. "are you still nervous?" i ask him, straightening out his shirt for him. "yeah, i just need to do something really quick."

vinnie grabs me by my waist, pushing my back against the car as he kisses me hard, trailing his hands up my dress once again. this time, i raise my arms up, tugging at the hairs at the nape of his neck. he softly moans in my mouth as he takes my bottom lip between his teeth, gently pulling on it as he pulls away from the kiss.

when he pulls away, i look up at him, breathless. it doesn't take long for us to lean right back in, kissing again. he places his hands on the side of the door, pinning me against the car. he started searching for the door handle so he can open it and we can go inside but it wasn't until we heard the front door open and my dog, truffle started running out of the house.

vinnie quickly pulls away from me, fixing his hair as i lean down to greet truffle. "hiii, baby." i start petting her fur but she was so excited to see me, she jumped on me, licking all over my cheek. i giggle, trying to get her to settle down. "aww, i missed you too." i say as i kiss her head.

"she wouldn't be like that if you came over more often." mom teases from behind truffle. i chuckle, standing up to hug her. "how are you doing, baby?" mom asks me, smoothing out my hair. "i'm really good, mom. how are things here?" i ask her as dad also comes out the house, greeting vinnie with a handshake and bro-hug.

"never better." mom answers, letting go from our hug so i can hug dad. "hey daddd." he hugs me tightly, spinning me around and i laugh as he does. mom comes over to vinnie, hugging him as well. all while truffle barks for attention.

we finally end our small talk, going back into the house with the smell of food. vinnie and dad sat down at the table, talking about sports. i helped mom make the plates in the kitchen.

"i'm so glad you've finally found someone who truly loves you. i disliked each and every guy you've brought home. but none like vincent." she's the only one that calls him that and not joking. he's fine with it though.

i nod, holding in a big smile. "yeah, i think he's the one, mom." i tell her and she smiles, nodding as we begin bringing in the plates and setting them down.

i sit next to vinnie as mom and dad sit across from us. we waste no time digging into the food. dad and vinnie kept talking and laughing with each other. me and mom would occasionally look at each other and laugh at what they said.

as vinnie talked about his cars, he nonchalantly places his hand on my inner thigh, squeezing it out of habit whenever he laughs. his cold rings making me shudder. he didn't realize what he was doing. he knew this was a gigantic turn on for me. i tried stuffing more food in my face to distract myself but it wasn't until i realized his hand had moved up a couple inches, so close to my heat. how did he not realize he was doing this to me?

i tried to move my legs a bit to get his hand up higher but it wasn't exactly working from the angle we were at. vinnie had finally turned around to look at me when mom started to talk to both of them. he furrows his eyebrows at me, as if asking what i'm doing. i place my fork on the plate, gesturing to how high is hand is on my thigh. he finally knows what's going on and chuckles, turning back to mom and dad.

as the three of them talked, vinnie used his one hand to spread my legs more for him. i bite my lip in anticipation, knowing where he was getting at. he then uses two hands to rub my clit through my panties, this way he could feel how wet i was. i gulp hard, trying not to make a sound.

he slips his hand in my panties, spreading my folds open as his middle finger starts rubbing my clit up and down. i wanted to moan so fucking bad but i bit down on my fork, forcing myself not to moan.

his pace quickens and that's when i let out a moan but i turned it into a cough. dad doesn't stop talking but mom looks over at me as i grab my drink, gulping it down. "you okay?" she asks me and i nod frantically. "i-i'm fine!" i say, being overly dramatic and vinnie could hear it so he starts laughing but he makes it look like it was something my dad said.

vinnie finally slides two fingers inside me, curling them to hit my spot exactly. my eyes started to water as i grabbed onto his wrist tightly. it felt so fucking good to feel filled by his fingers. i really wanted to moan but i know my parents would kill me.

finally, mom and dad started conversing together so vinnie turns to me, a big grin plastered on his face as he kept fingering me. "feel good?" he asks me and i nod. "yeah? you wanna moan? you can moan for me." he teases, trying to get me in trouble. "fuck you." i mutter.

"oh?" he pulls his hand out, looking away as he sucks his fingers off, coated in my juices. "no please-" i silently beg.

"so, y/n, how's work going?" dad asks me, forcing me to have to suck it up and not be able to finish. vinnie laughs, removing his fingers from his mouth, beginning to eat again. i give him a death stare before answering dads question.

-time skip-
"thank you for everything, it was really good." vinnie says to mom as he hugs her. we say our goodbyes then get into the car.

i look out the window, my arms crossed. "baby, once we get home, i promise i'll make it up to you." he says as he places his hand on my thigh.

part 2?

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