road head 2‼️

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⚠️spitting, choking, degrading, aftercare, slight slapping⚠️

i get thrown on the bed, our lips attached deeply, my clothes already half off, onto the ground along with vinnie's.

vinnie presses his boner against me and i softly moan in his mouth, wrapping my legs around his waist.

my earlier attitude stayed and i wasn't going to lighten up just because we're about to have sex.

i push him off me, flipping our position so i'm on top.

i pin his arms on both sides of his head as i lean my head down, placing open mouthed kisses on his neck.

vinnie groans, trying to pull away from my hands but i keep a strong hold on his arms.

i kiss down his chest, looking up at him as i do. he throws his head back, almost submitting to me but then he lifts his head back up, breaking free from my hands.

he grabs my waist, flipping us over once again. i almost lift my body up to gain control again but that's when he wraps his hand around my throat tightly.

"stop trying to be in charge. we both know i ruin that slutty little pussy of yours and you let me because you're my whore. not the other way around." he says that while slipping my panties down and off my legs.

before i get to protest, he shoves my panties in my mouth and i muffle out a groan, rolling my eyes.

he chuckles at my state. "see? look at how much of a slut you are for me." he lightly slaps my cheek before leaning down and kissing the corners of my mouth.

he goes down to my neck, sucking and biting my skin as i furrow my eyebrows, running my hand through his hair and stopping at the middle to hold onto it.

as he sucks red/purple bruises on my neck, he lines himself up with me and i choke on my own breath as i feel him shove into me without warning.

my hands tighten their grip in his hair as he leans his head back up, looking up at me as he fucks into me harder. i throw my head back, my moaning being muffled from my panties.

he takes them out of my mouth and kisses me deeply as he quickens his pace.

"you feel so good." i whisper in his mouth as he takes both my hands, pinning them above my head and interlocking our fingers.

he pulls away from the kiss, our lips still lingering on each other's as he rests his forehead on mine, breathing heavily.

i look up at him in the eyes, my mouth widening as my moans increase in volume.

he takes that as an opportunity to spit in my mouth and i swallow it without hesitating.

vinnie untangles one of our hands to hold my throat. he uses the other one to hold both my wrists down on the bed.

"my slut." he whispers against my lips, taking his hand off my wrists to spread my legs wider so he can get a better angle.

"oh, fuck!" i cry out, my white nails scratching down his back, leaving red marks.

"you gonna mark my back as yours, huh?" he asks me, a hot fucking smirk on his face as he thrusts his hips harder into me, hitting my spot exactly.

"holy fuck- oh my god." my nails dig deeper into the flesh of his back, probably drawing blood by now.

"mmm, i know your body so well, don't i?" he cockily mumbles, pressing kisses all over my face as he continues abusing that one spot.

"fuckk, i'm cumming." i cry out, my toes curling as my pussy pulses around his dick.

"cum all over my dick, baby." he moans, moving his hand off my throat and running it down to rub my clit.

my legs start shaking as my cum washes over his dick, my moaning turning into almost screams.

vinnie kisses me deeply, making me moan in his mouth instead of out loud.

my orgasm triggers his and he pulls out quickly, placing my hand on his dick and i start stroking him fast. "mmm." he bites his bottom lip, cumming all over my stomach and my hand.

"fuck." he whispers, pressing his lips to mine as i continue stroking him, slowing down my pace.

his tongue slips into mine, sloppily kissing me. as we kiss, he lifts my hand up that's covered in his cum and trades his lips for my own fingers.

i look up at him, fluttering my eyebrows as i suck my own fingers clean from his cum.

"you're so fucking beautiful." he mumbles, rolling off of me and laying next to me, taking a deep breath.

i glare at him as he does and he finally looks at me, mid yawn. "what's wrong?" he asks me then looks down at my stomach.

"ohhh, right." he quickly gets up, putting his boxers back on before going into the bathroom and grabbing a towel.

he comes back into the bed and rubs my stomach off. "let's take a bath, yeah?" he asks me once he's done.

"only if you carry me." i smile at him.

he sighs deeply. "okay spoiled one." i hold my arms out and he picks me up as i wrap my arms and legs around his body, clinging to him tightly.

he sets me in the tub, turning it on the warm side. once it's set to a good temperature and filled with soap, he gets in with me.

my back rests on his chest as i play with the water. "i love you." he whispers in my ear, kissing it softly.

"i love you too and i'm sorry for getting so mad at you." i apologize, looking up at him with full love and admiration.

he smiles back down at me before kissing my nose and holding onto me tightly.

rumor has it, if you vote, vinnie crawls through your window and kisses you goodnight tonight😁

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