friends to lovers 2‼️

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vinnie's lips trail down my body, some parts leaving marks, some just soft quick pecks. his kisses continued all the way down to my inner thighs and that's when my head tipped back as my hands found the material of my blanket, gripping tightly onto it.

"vin.." i let out at a hushed tone, my body squirming underneath him as his lips hover over my pussy, my panties still on. my breathing picks up as he kisses all over that lower half of my body.

it all felt so fucking good but i'd been waiting literally my whole life to have this and he wasn't going very fast to my liking. "vinnie, please." i beg softly.

"please what?" he asks, looking up at me as his brown eyes make hot eye contact with me.

"hurry up." i reply, biting my bottom lip afterwards.

"mm." he hums back, kissing my inner thigh once more before coming back up, using his teeth to slide my panties down my legs.

his lips curl into a small smirk before he leans his head down, licking up my slit and collecting all my wetness.

"shit.." my eyes squeeze tightly shut, my breath getting caught up in my throat from the feeling of his warm tongue.

his head disappears in between my thighs, eating me out like his life depended on it. my stomach gets filled with butterflies as wet, clicking noises is echoes throughout the room.

"oh my god- fuck." my hand clutches into his hair, gathering the front of it out of his face so i can see his eyes better. he looks up at me, evidently enjoying this just as much as i am.

his skillful mouth works wonders on me as i continue letting pornographic moans slip out of my mouth. "i'm gonna cum, vin." i moan loudly, one hand still holding tightly onto his hair as the other squeezes the life out of my blanket.

"mmm, cum for me. let me taste you." he mumbles against my pussy. as if i thought it couldn't get any better, i felt two of his fingers press at my entrance, sliding in kind of easily since i was already wet and his saliva helped a lot too.

he pumped his fingers in and out, curling them everytime he slid forward. his tongue continued working on my clit, sucking and licking as he desperately tried to get me to cum.

"oh god- fuck!" my hips bucked up into his mouth, my chest heaved up and down quickly as i felt my orgasm building up even faster now with the added pleasure.

"vinnie, vinnie, fuck!" i cry out as his tongue deepens inside me, his thick fingers picking up their pace. i tried to squirm out of his grasp but he followed me everywhere i'd turn.

my lower stomach bubbled with anticipation, kind of like when you have to pee really bad and if you made any wrong move, you'd pee right there. that's exactly how i felt which was weird because i've never felt like that right before i was about to have an orgasm.

"i'm gonna pee! stop!" i tried to push him off me but he just chuckled, continuing his abuse on my pussy.

that's when my orgasm hit me like a truck, juices flowed out of me like never before and when it was over my eyes stayed closed as i tried catching my breath the best i could.

"holy fuck." i exasperate deeply as vinnie pulls away his face and fingers, leaning up to hover over my body.

when i open my eyes, vinnie's licking his fingers clean as he gave me a mischievous smirk. i couldn't help but slightly smile back, still breathing heavily.

"i take it you've never squirted before." he chuckles, leaning down to kiss and suck on my neck, leaving even more hickeys than what he already had made.

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