sub vinnie‼️

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reminder, smuts have '‼️'

"vin, i'm home." i shout throughout the house before putting my stuff down and going upstairs to our room.

i walk into the room to see vinnie's head thrown back into the pillow as he stroked his cock up and down, whispering my name repeatedly.

i could feel myself growing wetter at the sight. it was turning me on, no doubt but i didn't like the fact that he's touching himself without me.

i was more mad about that than turned on.

"vinnie." i sternly say so i can get his attention.

his face flushes as he looks at me with a panicked look on his face. he immediately goes to cover himself up with a pillow, as if i've never seen anything before.

"u-um.. how long have you been standing there?" he asks, his voice sounding shaky and nervous.

"long enough." i say as i start moving towards him.

he gulps. "mommy, i'm really sorry. i just- i was so horny and you weren't here all day to relieve me."

"oh please, stop your whining."

he immediately shuts up, waiting for any other instructions.

"you know what i have to do now, right?" i ask him and he looks down, nodding his head.

"words." i gently smack his cheek and he looks up at me, "yes mommy."

"good boy." i pat his head before walking into my closet to get a leash and handcuffs.

i come back out with them and he whimpers when he sees them. "what did i say? i don't want to hear any noises coming from you until i say otherwise. now come on the ground so i can put this on you."

he nods, doing as i say. i usually use the leash to punish him because whenever he doesn't do what i say or if he doesn't do it fast enough, all i have to do is tug on it and it chokes him just enough to get him to do what i want.

i wrap it around his neck and tighten it. i then lock the handcuffs around both his hands. he looks up at me, patiently waiting.

"such a good boy." i ruffle my hands through his hair. "get back on the bed."

he gets back onto it, laying on his back as his hands are handcuffed in front of him.

i strip all of my clothes and he watches intently as i do, his cock growing even more than it was before.

i crawl onto the bed, sitting on top of him. i lean down, kissing his neck as i start grinding my hips against his.

his eyes stare me down with plead, probably wanting to talk or moan. "you can make noise now, baby."

he starts breathing heavily as i lean back up, reaching underneath us to grab his cock and line it up with my entrance.

i bite my lip as i tease the tip of it, acting like i'm dipping it inside but i don't put it in fully.

"mommy, please." he whispers, watching as his dick twitches and his veins prominent, precum dripping from the tip and anxiously waiting to be relieved.

"please, fuck me. i need it so bad." he bucks his hips up into me, trying to feel something.

"be patient." i warn him before finally sinking down onto him.

"ohhhhh.. fuck." vinnie throws his head back, his eyebrows furrowing as he moves his hands around in the handcuffs, trying to get free.

"you're so tight, mommy. it feels so good around my dick." vinnie moans out loudly.

"yeah? you like that, huh?" i begin rolling my hips slowly, clenching myself around him to make myself even more tighter.

"fuck! please let me touch you, i need it, please." he tries to yank himself out the restraints but they're too tight.

i reach up and pull at the leash. "be a good boy and stop moving." i demand.

"but mommy-"

"are you talking back?" i completely stop my movements and his eyes go wide. "no! please- i'm sorry. please keep going." he whines.

"you better not cum until i say." i point my finger at him to make sure he knows i'm serious.

he nods frantically. "i'll try to hold it."

i start moving again, my hips snapping fast against his. our moans and bodies connecting echo off the room walls, causing the noises to be heard downstairs and next door.

"i'm gonna cum so much, mommy. i feel it coming." he whimpers.

"yeah? you gonna cum for me?" i ask, tugging on the leash as i circle my hips

"fuck yes! i'm so fucking close, mommy." he yanks at the handcuffs once again, throwing his head back in frustration.

"want me to uncuff you, baby?" i tease him, out of breath.

"yes! please. i'm begging you." he whines.

"no. you touched yourself without asking and this is your punishment." i say before lifting my hips up and i begin stroking his dick up and down to get him to cum faster.

"fuck, oh my god. please mommy, please uncuff me." vinnie's wrists begin turning red and irritated.

i sigh, shaking my head as i reach over to my dresser, grabbing the key and unlocking it.

"fuck, thank you. thank you so much." he moans, both of his hands immediately exploring my body.

i continue stroking him, making sure to tighten my hand.

"fuck, just like that." one of his hands go to the side, gripping onto the sheets as i lean down, connecting our lips in a deep, lustfilled kiss.

after our kiss, his lips linger on mine as i move my hand up and down faster.

his mouth makes an o shape as i feel his orgasm approaching. his muscles tense and the grip on the bedsheets intensify.

"oh my god, fuckkkk." vinnie's face goes red as he tries to hold in his orgasm. his mouth continues performing an o shape, whimpers and heavy breathing escaping his lips.

"please let me cum, i need to cum so bad. i want to cum all over your hand." vinnie sniffs as i notice tears start welling up in his eyes.

"please." he looks me in my eyes, his eyes glossy and his face red. "please, mommy. i need it! oh my god, i need it!" his hips start bucking up into the air.

"cum." i felt like i didn't even get the word all the way out before his white thick strips of cum burst out from his dick.

"shit!" his legs begin shaking as his eyes roll back, his mouth completely open as he has the biggest orgasm he's ever had before.

the strips don't stop for another 20 seconds, loads and loads coming out. by the time he's done, his stomach and my hand are covered in his cum.

"fuck, mommy." his voice is shaky as i remove my hand, licking off the cum from my hand.

"i think i need to sleep for 200 years after that." he jokes, rolling over to the other side and pulling the blankets over him. i laugh as i shake my head at his actions.

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