vinnie's parents house‼️

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vinnie was visiting his family in seattle and had asked me to come with him. it hadn't been the first time i met them but it would be the first time staying at his parents house.

so far it was really fun. his mom and dad were really sweet to me and treated me like i was their daughter.

reggie always acted like i was his sister/best friend. he'd pick on me or make joke about me and vinnie's relationship. i fit in really well with the hacker's and somehow it makes me feel more attached to vinnie than i already do.

right now we were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie with nate, maria and reggie. my head was laid on vinnie's shoulder and one of my legs laid overtop vinnie's as his hand rested on the inside of my thigh.

as we watch the movie, i catch myself falling asleep a couple times. i was so tired from doing activities all day with his family. don't get me wrong, i love them but they don't know when to stop being outside.

i wanted vinnie to spend as much time with his family as he could so i didn't want to just be like 'i'm tired let's go to sleep' he brought me here so we could all bond and i don't want to be that girlfriend who isn't there for the family bonding.

but i was so tired and drained. i felt if i didn't go to sleep now, i'll pass out and wake up 5 years later.

so i finally go with what my gut says and i look up at him, watching as he focuses on the tv, licking his lips and chuckling quietly when a funny part comes up.

he was so fine. i don't care what anyone else said. my baby was so fucking hot.

i look over at maria and nate who are also cuddled up together, their eyes all focused on the tv. my eyes shift to reggie who's just on his phone. lol, he's so single.

i then turn back to vinnie, making my move. "vin." i whisper, nudging his arm as i move closer to him.

his eyes stay on the tv as he moves his head towards me before actually looking at me with his eyes. "yeah?" he whispers back.

"i'm getting kind of tired- but you don't have to go upstairs. i know you want to finish the movie and spend time with your family so i'm just gonna go to sleep, okay?" i whisper.

he furrows his eyebrows. "no, i'm gonna come with you. i'm kind of tired too. we did a lot today." he whispers back, squeezing my bare thigh that he was holding onto, his cold rings pressing on my skin.

"are you sure?" i ask him, poking my lip out.

he kisses the corner of my mouth. "mhm."

"hey guys, me and y/n are tired so we're gonna head to bed. we can regroup in the morning." vinnie says standing up, holding his hand out to me.

"alright, vin. goodnight you guys." maria says, softly smiling at us.

"goodnight." i say back and smile at reggie and nate before vinnie takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his bedroom that he stays in when he visits.

"you already took a shower right?" vinnie asks, switching the light on before closing the door to the room once we get in.

"yeah, i just need to clean my face and brush my teeth and stuff." i tell him and he nods.

"i'll take a shower while you do that." he says and kisses my nose before gathering his stuff and going into the bathroom that's inside the room.

i hear the water turn on as i collect the things i need for my night routine before walking into the bathroom and putting all of my things down on the bathroom sink.

i start by washing my face, cleansing it really good with this product i bought off tiktok shop. then i brush my teeth with my vibrating toothbrush.

vinnie pulls the shower curtain back some so he can look at me. i turn around to look at him as i put my hair up and i smile at him. "hurry up, handsome. i wanna cuddle." i tell him.

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