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i watch from the window inside the house as vinnie and our little girl amara play outside on the swingset we set up for her. he was standing in front of her, pushing the swing backwards so he could smile at her and say a sweet hi whenever she swung forward towards him.

this went on for about 20 minutes until amara decided she was tired of the swings and wanted to play in the mulch. i don't know why she liked mulch so much but she liked throwing it at vinnie and watching him say ow.

she bent down to gather a handful of the mulch and i heard vinnie screaming as he tried to hide from her but her little feet were faster than him and she successfully threw it at him and he laughed at the attack.

i didn't really like the fact that she was playing with mulch but if we told her to stop she'd throw a gigantic fit and cause heads to turn from our neighbors. one time this old couple even called cps on us and a sheriff along with a cps lady came to our house, asking if amara was in any kind of danger. but of course, they couldn't find any reason to take her away from us so they apologized and went about their day.

i laughed as vinnie continued getting attacked and decided to make them lunch for when they come back in. i took out the bread, lettuce, tomato, mayo and ham so i could make a sandwich.

my head pops up when i hear soft cries coming from outside. i see amara holding her finger and vinnie kneeling down to see what was wrong with it.

i put the butter knife down and open the backdoor to hear amara full on crying now.

"what happened?" i ask them, also kneeling down to amara's size. "she got a splinter." vinnie replies as he kisses her cheek. "it's okay, come on i'm gonna get it out and we can put ice on it. okay?" he asks her and she nods as she lets us both walk her back into the house.

vinnie sits her down and gathers some hair out of her face as she continues fussing. "it's okay, baby. don't cry." vinnie turns to me. "can you get her some ice? and the tweezers?"

i nod, going into the pantry and taking out a ziploc bag then i go into the freezer, taking out small shards of ice and putting it into the bag. i then go into one of the drawers, grabbing the tweezers.

i grab a paper towel, wrapping it around the bag and then i kneel down, smiling at amara as vinnie takes the bag and tweezers out my hand. "thank you." he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before placing the ice on her finger and she sniffs, wiping her tear stained face with her other hand.

"you okay?" vinnie asks her, being so gentle with her finger. she shakes her head, sniffing again. "it's gonna be okay, baby. you're strong." vinnie coos, kissing the top of her head.

vinnie hands the bag of ice back to me as he lines the tweezers up with her finger. "squeeze mommy's hand if you have to, okay?" he asks her and she looks up at me, nodding. i smile at her, placing some hair behind her ear. "dada's gonna make all the pain go away, mar." i tell her.

he starts to pick at the splinter carefully and she winces. he continues, looking up at her from time to time to make sure she's okay.

once he gets to a specific spot that's when she pulls her finger away, starting to sob even more. "hey, hey, hey. mar, you gotta keep still. it's only gonna hurt more." vinnie tries to encourage her but she continues crying, putting her hand behind her back.

"come on, baby. you got this. it'll only be a few minutes and then we can eat the delicious lunch mommy prepared for us. you want lunch, don't you?" he asks her and she nods, tears falling past her lips.

"okay then. come on, give me your finger." he says. she hesitantly brings her finger back in front of her and vinnie cradles it into his hand and she flinches.

"hey, look at me." vinnie tells her. she continues looking down at the ground. "look at me, mar." he says again a bit sterner. she pouts, finally looking at vinnie. "it's okay. you're okay. it's just a splinter." he softly says. "it's gonna hurttt." she says in between her cries. he shakes his head. "no it's not, baby. you're a big girl. big girls don't cry over splinters. okay?" he asks, making me slightly tear up at how cute he was being with her.

"say it with me, big girls.." he trails. "b-big girls.." she copies. "don't cry, look at mommy." he says to her as he starts working on her finger again. she looks over at me and i smile widely at her. "d-don't cry.." she says to me. "over splinters." i finish and she winces, closing her eyes. "o-over splinters!!" she whines as she starts crying again.

"i'm almost done, baby. just hold still." vinnie says to her. "be gentle, dada!!" she whines, closing her eyes again. "i'm being as gentle as i can, mar." he tells her as i giggle a little bit.

"there it goes, there it goes. you're almost there. got it." vinnie successfully pulls out the splinter and amara continues crying as her finger throbs.

"alright, alright. stop your crying." vinnie says, holding his hand out to me. i hand him the bag of ice and he places it over her finger as it starts bleeding a bit.

"come here. let me wash your hands so we can put a band-aid on it." i say, holding my hands out to her. she continues fussing as she raises her hands out to me. i pick her up and prop her on my hip as i bring her over to the sink. vinnie gathers the stuff up and goes into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom to look for neosporin and a band-aid.

i put the water on warm and run her hands over the faucet. i put some soap on her hands and she carefully rubs them together before rinsing the soap off.

"look at that, all clean." i say, turning the faucet off, drying her hands off with a towel.

that's when vinnie comes back in with the stuff and i sit her back at the table so he can put the ointment and band-aid on.

i turn the tv on to something she watches before returning back to the kitchen to continue making lunches. once vinnie gets her situated, he walks into the kitchen throwing the band-aid wrapper away then walking over to me.

he wraps his arms around me from the back, kissing up my neck. i smile warmly from his touch. "you're so good with her, vin." i softly say. he smiles against my neck. "so are you." he kisses my cheek and watches me finish making sandwiches.

once i'm done, i put them all on plates then get out juice and chips. vinnie helps me bring everything to the table where amara is sitting patiently, watching her show.

i kiss the top of her head as i sit next to her and vinnie sits across from us. i look down at her as she picks the bread off her sandwich. i chuckle, looking from her to vinnie and he wink at me, a wide smile on his face.

not proof read but vote pls🙃

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