period cramps

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i turn over in my bed, holding my stomach as my cramps get worse.

i grimace uncomfortably when i feel i have to throw up but i know i probably won't.

i didn't know why but my cramps were so bad today. they usually are but today was unbelievably bad.

i felt like i wanted to shrivel up and crawl in hole, never coming out of it.

my forehead started to break out in a sweat as i squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my stomach.

i couldn't even get up to grab water and a tylenol. i knew i was stuck.

at the perfect time, my phone starts to ring. i get annoyed by it but i look at it anyways.

it reads vinnie calling me to facetime. i didn't want him to see me like this. i knew i looked like shit.

but he gets upset when i don't answer his calls so i decide to answer it.

"hello?" i croak out, my eyes still closed as the camera faces the ceiling.

"hey beautiful, what's wrong?" he asks me as i open my eyes, seeing he had his shirt off and was sitting in his gaming chair.

"my stomach- it hurts so bad." i say, barely even being able to speak.

"oh no.. was it something you ate?" he asks me, moving the camera way too close to his face as his eyebrows furrow.

"m-my period." is all i say.

"oh shit.. you did tell me it was starting today. do you need anything? can i come over?" he asks me, standing up and scrambling around his room for clothes.

"no- just please come hold me." i tell him, my eyes tearing up from the pain.

"okay baby. i'm on my way." he tells me, looking back at the camera. "i love you." he says and i smile to myself. "i love you too."

he kisses the phone a couple times before hanging up and i turn over again, pulling the covers fully over me as i wait for him to get here.

i didn't even realize i had drifted off to sleep until i feel a dip in the bed and hands being wrapped securely around me.

i turn to see vinnie there and he smiles, pecking my nose. he then moves some hair out of my face so we can see each other properly. "i made you some tea and took tylenol out your medicine cabinet. you want some?" he softly asks me.

i nod and he gets back out of the bed, picking up the tea from the dresser and tylenol.

he brings it over to me and i sit up slightly, taking the medicine then slowly sipping the tea.

the warmth of the drink travels down my throat and i sigh in satisfaction. "good?" he asks me, holding onto the tea cup, along with my hands.

"mhm. so good." i tell him, bringing it away from my lips so he can take it back. he puts the cup on my side table by my bed before crawling back in the bed with me.

he lays on his back, looking at me as he opens his arms out to me. i smile, feeling giddy as i don't hesitate to lay down in his warm arms.

i lay my leg on top of his as my head perfectly lays on his chest, me being able to hear his heartbeat and feel his breathing as his chest rises up and down.

he wraps an arm around me, rubbing my back soothingly. his hand then goes up to my hair, twirlng it in his fingers and making random patterns.

"you seen the video of chris rock getting slapped by will smith?" vinnie softly asks me, laughing after.

"chris rock got slapped by will smith?" i laugh, looking up at him.

"mhm. wanna see the video?" he asks me and i nod. he pulls his phone out of his pocket and goes onto his instagram.

he pulls up the video and places his phone in front of both of our faces. we watch the video a couple times, laughing a little louder each time.

"it's actually not funny when you think about it cause like, doesn't jada have a condition?" i ask him and he nods his head. "yeah but will didn't have to slap him for it, that was overdramatic." he replies.

"oh, i know you're not talking. remember the guy in the bar who complimented by dress? you tripped him and he fell and broke his nose. that was dramatic wasn't it?" i raise an eyebrow at him.

vinnie laughs, looking away from me. "that was different. you're mine." he brings me closer to him, kissing the top of my head.

"your cramps feeling any better?" he asks me and i nod. "you always make them feel better." i tell him.

"as i should." he smiles proudly and i roll my eyes, playfully slapping his arm.

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