friends to lovers

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(this is in my multifandom smut book but someone told me to add it in here as well so here you go😁)

5 years old

"mommy! mommy! look what i can do!" i exclaim to my mom, waiting for her to look at me. she looks up from her ice cream and smiles at me as she watches me do 3 cartwheels.

"ta- da!" i throw my hands in the air when i'm done and she starts clapping and chanting my name.

i smile at the attention i was getting and decide to do more cartwheels since she was already looking. as i did more and more, mom started telling me to watch out but it was too late, i had kicked a boy in the stomach as i was doing a cartwheel.

he started crying for his mom and I instantly covered my mouth with my hands from how bad i felt. mom runs over to me and him, asking if the boy is okay. before he gets to respond, a lady, probably his mom, steps up to my mom.

"why don't you watch your fuckin kid?!"

i gasp since she said a no no word and the boy does too. we look at each other and start laughing as our moms cuss each other out. the boy wipes his tears with his shirt and i look down at my feet, feeling bad.

"i'm sorry for hurting you." i tell him, my voice filled with regret.

"it's okay! don't be sad. it was an a- an ac- i forgot the word." i laugh at his antics and i look back up at him, not feeling so bad anymore.

"wanna go play on the swings?" i ask him and he nods eagerly.

we run over to the swings and get on one next to each other. "do you come here to the park a lot? i never have seen you." i say to him and he shrugs. "no."

i nod as i start swinging back and forth. suddenly, the boy begins laughing out of nowhere and i turn to him, concerned.

"i can hear our mommy's still arguing." he laughs out and i laugh as well, my stomach starting to hurt.

"i'm vinnie." he tells me when we both have calmed down.

"uhhh i'm y/n.. i think."

we both laugh.

9 years old

me and vinnie both draw in his room, laid out on the floor. he sighs, putting his crayon down. "this is boring. i'd rather be doing something more fun."

"like what?" i ask him, putting my colored pencil down.

a mischievous smile creeps on vinnie's face as he turns to me. "have you ever heard of.. pornhub?" he whispers to me and i laugh at how weird the name sounds, shaking my head.

"my brother was watching it one day and i tried watching it with him but he told me it was for big kids. wanna see what it is?!" he asks me and i eagerly nod my head as he stands up, grabbing his laptop.

we both lay atop his bed on our stomachs, the laptop facing us as vinnie searches up the site. "what do you think it is?" i ask him, playing with the ends of his curls. "hmm.. probably a dating app." he laughs and i laugh at his joke as well.

he gets ready to press enter and he looks at me. "are. you. ready?" he pauses before each word for effect. "i am ready vinegar, just hurry up."

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