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"just a little bit more.. we're almost there." vinnie assures me, his hands covering my eyes as he directs me toward a surprise he planned as a pre-honeymoon present for me.

we were both still in our wedding attire since we came straight from the reception to wherever we were.

i trip over what feels like a rock and i gasp, holding onto his arm for dear life. "vinnie!"

he chuckles. "my bad. just relax. i got you." he tells me, kissing the side of my head.

i take a deep breath, my gut telling me to just trust him with whatever he's planning.

"okay. right here... are you ready?" he asks me, making me stop my movements. "yes!!" i excitedly say.

"okay. open." he moves his hands from my eyes and i open them, looking around.

" he moves his hands from my eyes and i open them, looking around

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(this is what it looks like but without the people💀)

"vinnie.. this is.." i could feel myself tearing up for the third time tonight but i didn't want to ruin my light make-up that i had on so i had to suck it up.

"this is so beautiful.." i place my hand over my heart as i continue taking my time to look around.

"you're beautiful." vinnie says, squinting his eyes as he places his thumb and index fingers between my chin.

"stop." i giggle, swatting his hand away. he laughs as well and then sits down on the blanket. "join me, m'lady." he says in a british accent, holding his hand out to me.

i giggle. "don't mind if i do." i take his hand, being careful not to sit on my dress.

"okay so.. i brought all your favorite types of snacks." vinnie says, reaching over and grabbing a basket full of food.

he begins placing the snacks down on the table in front of us, my eyes widening with excitement.

"how did you get all of this here?" i ask him, watching as he pulls out everything.

"i had a little help." he tells me, grabbing another bag that contains his laptop.

he places it in the middle of the table and opens it up, the screen already set on my favorite movie of all time, (your favorite movie)

feeling giddy, i smile widely as i scoot closer to vinnie. "i love you." i tell him as he starts the movie.

"i love you more." he replies, kissing the top of my head.

as the night goes on, we had ate most of the food and we were full by now. he had poured us both some champagne and now we were just relaxing, listening to the water as the movie played.

i catch vinnie looking at me as i watched the movie and once i look at him, he smiles, leaning in to kiss my lips.

i kiss back, smiling in the kiss. "what was that for?" i ask him as he pulls away.

vinnie hacker imagines!!Where stories live. Discover now