drunk & clingy

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our house is filled with laughter as i walk vinnie up the stairs, his arm around my neck

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our house is filled with laughter as i walk vinnie up the stairs, his arm around my neck.

he got unbearably drunk at a party he went to and jack had called me to come pick him up since he was getting out of control.

when i had got there, he was dancing on a pool table with no shirt on and about to take his pants off but i stopped him just in time and his face lit up when he seen me.

this similar thing has happened before. vinnie would be at a party i didn't attend to because i don't normally like going to parties and he'd get drunk.

vinnie's a different type of drunk though. some are crazy, some are violent. he's just a lovable human being. not that he's not when he's sober, it's just his clinginess and need for attention is raised up higher than usual.

i don't normally get agitated or annoyed by it. i always find it cute and i don't hesitate to help him out the best i can.

once we get upstairs, i walk him into the room and he falls onto the bed, facefirst as he groans.

"this bed is so comfy. i could fall asleep riiiight here. but you have to be with me." vinnie says, slurring his words.

"not before i get you ready for bed. turn over, vin." i tell him, patting his butt playfully.

he giggles. "don't touch my fat juicy ass. that's only for jett and jack." he says as he rolls over, letting his hair cover his eyes.

i chuckle, rolling my eyes as i lean down, slipping his shoes off.

"are you about to give me head?" he asks, his mouth forming into an o shape as he leans up on his elbows.

"no. i'm not." i push him back down as i take both of them off, leaving him in black socks and setting his shoes aside.

he smirks. "i like a woman who takes charge."

i roll my eyes again, shaking my head. "stand up so i can take your pants off." i tell him.

"kinkyyy." he immediately stands up, placing his hands on his hips. "take them off me baby." he says, playfully closing his eyes.

i laugh, tugging his sweatpants off and he steps out of them, still smirking.

"vinnie, i'm not doing anything sexual with you so wipe that smirk off your face." i tell him, placing his pants in the corner of the room.

he pouts, poking his bottom lip out. "you're no fun."

"i know. hands up." i demand and he huffs, putting his hands up.

i slip his shirt up and off him then place it on top of his sweatpants. when i turn back to him, his arms are crossed with a pout still on his face.

i go on my tiptoes and peck his pouted lips. "lay down. i'm gonna get you some water." i tell him.

"nooo. stay with me." he whines, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"baby, no. you have to lay down and i need to get you water to help with the headache you're going to have in the morning." i say, rubbing his back.

"okay? be a big boy. i'll be right back." i say, letting go of the hug and he kisses my lips before nodding.

he then sighs deeply, plopping on the bed and making a loud noise from how hard he hits the mattress. "i'll be waiting for you." he says, making me chuckle before going downstairs to pour him some water.

i turn around to the fridge to put the water away when i see vinnie behind me, a frown on his face.

"jeez, vinnie. you scared me. what's wrong?" i ask him and he walks over to me, dropping his head in between my boobs. "i missed you. and your smell."

"i told you i was coming back, vin." i bring my hands up to his hair, combing my fingers through it.

"i know. but i couldn't wait that long." he says against my skin.

"well, you have to let go so we can go back upstairs and cuddle. don't you want to cuddle?" i ask, trying to sound overly excited so he'll go upstairs.

he nods quickly, leaning back up. "okay then let's go." i start walking upstairs and he follows close behind, taking my hand in his.

once we go back up to the room, he follows my every move. i place the water on the dresser on his side of the bed and he stays close behind me as i do so.

i'm glad i was already in my pajamas when i picked him up cause then i'd have to undress and i know he'd give me a hard time for that.

"baby, drink some of your water." i say, picking it back up and holding it out to to him.

"can you hold it?" he asks, with puppy dog eyes.

i nod and hold the cup up to his lips. he drinks it, taking long sips then pushes it away when he's done.

"good job, vin. you drank more than i expected you to." i praise, placing it back on the dresser.

"mmm. can we cuddle now?" he whines, his eyes half closed from how sleepy he was.

"yup. lay down." i tell him, turning off the light.

he crawls in bed first, placing the covers up to his neck. i get in after and he immediately places his head on top of my boobs.

i couldn't help but chuckle to myself as i bring my hand to his hair, playing with it as i wrap my other hand around his body securely.

he raises his hand up inside my shirt and leaves it there, i guess cause it was warm.

"mm.. i love you." vinnie mumbles,
already falling asleep.

"i love you too, vin." i kiss the top of his head.

vote for a kiss😘

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