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"vinnie! vinnie, look out! please! can you hear me?!" i try to run towards vinnie who was standing in the middle of a train track, the sound of a train coming towards him.

"move out of the way! vinnie, please! move!" it seemed as if my yelling and shouting were a thousand miles away and impossible for him to hear me.

"vinnie, you're going to die! you need to move, please!" by this time, tears were running down my cheeks as i tried getting to him as quickly as i could.

the train was now visible and i fall to my knees, screaming out to vinnie to move but he just continues standing there, like nothing was happening.

"please.." i whimper out, holding onto my heart as it clenches. "please, move."

"y/n." i hear his voice calling out to me, softly. "y/n, wake up." i look back up at him just as the train is about to hit him.

i sit up in the bed. "NO!" i scream out, sobbing into my hands. "y/n, hey, hey, hey, hey. it's okay, baby, what's wrong?" vinnie turns the lamp on and the bedroom lights up as i turn to vinnie, my eyes wide.

"y-you're here.." my chest heaves as beads of sweat drips down my forehead. was i dreaming? it felt so real.

"of course i'm here, y/n. what's wrong, baby?" vinnie grabs onto my wrist gently bringing me closer to him but i stay put.

"y-you were g-getting ran o-over b-by a train. i s-saw it.." i stutter over my crying. "i t-tried to save you but- you w-weren't listening t-to me."

"baby, you had a nightmare. i'm right here. i've got you." vinnie wraps his arms around my body, gently rocking me back and forth in his embrace.

i calm my breathing as i hold onto him. i close my eyes, feeling safe in his arms and knowing he's okay.

after a few minutes, he pulls away and looks at my face. my tears had dried up but my body was still shaking slightly. "do you need anything? water?" he asks, moving some hair out of my face as he wipes some tears that were still lingering.

i shake my head. "i just wanna cuddle." i softly tell him.

he nods in understanding, leaning over to turn the lamp back off then he crawls back underneath the covers, pulling me with him.

i sniff as i rest my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat and that instantly puts me at ease.

he wraps one arm around me, using that hand to rub my scalp as his other hand rests on his stomach.

he kisses my forehead softly, humming against it and that alone makes me tear back up.

after he's done kissing my forehead, he rests his cheek on it, holding me close against him.

"i'm not going anywhere, baby. okay? i'm right here and always will be." he kisses my forehead once again and i smile, holding onto him as i close my eyes, falling asleep once again but this time, i'm at peace.

ur cute

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