[Eng] Bon Appétit !

705 16 133

Okay, heya the ultimates !

Small disclaimer before we dine in : yandere pregame Shuichi is still present, you should know me by now, I've got the ultimate problem with yanderes... no difference there.

(I even have a friend who told me Nyde was such a sweet angel compared to Shuichi XD)

But ! Today's one-shot... is going to be quite personnal... you'll quickly understand what I mean by that, if you ever read my last update asking for help in Guardian Demon so if today's one-shot seems a bit different than usual, well I'm sorry about that. I've talked with my psychologist about it and we both thought it could be a nice idea to write about it as I usually do to let go of my emotions and stop bottling them up, this is kind of my own way of doing my therapy, Ig.

I'm still correcting Guardian Demon for the wattys, thank you to all of you who're helping me correcting it btw. Then we'll finally be able to go back to the publication schedule and get back on "My Diamond" and one-shots and a whole new story. ;-)


« There you go ! Enjoy ! »

« Oh ! This looks so good ! As always, grandma ! »

« Go ahead ! »

Mmm... I sniff in the good smell coming from my grandma's roast... it smells sooooo good... I'm drooling waterfalls, it looks so delicious !

(This girl's got no idea of the typical japanese meals except for sushis and such so don't pay attention to this pls)

There is a popular motto saying that grandma's secrets for meals are the best, that they always put a secret ingredient inside to make it perfectly delicious... well... my grandma totally confirms the cliché !

It feels so good to be able to visit her along with my grandpa today... I've been having tons of exams recently, I've haven't come here for a long time...

« So, Kokichi... you didn't call me much recently ! How is it going at your school ? »

« Oh... this is a bit exhausting... I've had tons of exams recently, I couldn't have a minute to relax or hang out with my friends ! We were just studying all the time ! »

« So how did it go ? How do you feel it ? »

« Not so bad... depends on the subjects, obviously... I'm a bit scared for the maths, must admit... but now what's done is done so it's no use worrying about it ! I just need to wait for the results... »

« You know when you'll get these ?»

« In around two weeks. I'll tell you ! I'll send you a message to let you know ! »

« Oh... you know, I'm not really good with all these... machines... »

« Ha ha ha ! Okay, then I'll go see you at that moment ! »

« Aaah... you hear that, Sadaharu ? Your grandson just took some exams ! We need to cheer up for him. »

« ...ye... yes... »

My grandpa answers very slowly, as usual... it's not that he's shy...

It's that... he's sick...

He's pretty old after all, he's almost 80 years old... I think he has a sickness damaging his neurons and getting worse as time flows by... so, he speaks very slowly and it's hard for him to understand what is being said. Grandma's always taking care of him al day, it must be exhausting for her...

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