[Eng] Trick or treat ! - Part 01

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Yeah, I'm not much inspired for the title...

It's based on a AU that your guys suprisingly asked me a lot so I hope you'll enjoy this part 01 ! ^^"


I've never really liked Halloween.

A whole holiday based on the horror theme, whose sole purpose is to scare each other. Nah, definitely not for me.

I mean, I'm pretty small and thin. I have arms as thin as paper and I don't know anything about self-defense. So anything is already scary enough the rest of the year. I don't need a whole holiday dedicated to scare the shit out of me and giving me nightmares fuel.

I'm easily impressionnable, that's the least we can say. Just watching some trailers of a horror movie showing nothing can prevent me from sleeping peacefully for the next two weeks. Just with the sound, just with the image, I can imagine all the pain the characters getting killed are going through and feeling whenever they meet the monster. It scares me every single time.

And my friends... are not really helping... unlike me, they love getting scared and telling each other some horror stories as a bravery test or some shit like that. The moment I start begging them to stop or I try to discreetly leave to protect my mental health, they call me a crybaby.


I don't like being called like that by them... so, each time, I try to suck it up and to stay a little longer... so I don't completely ruin the party... and so that they can still have some fun...

I know they're only teasing me whenever they call me this... but I still hate it when they mock me...

But well... can I really blame them ? As they said, they're just teasing me, it's my fault if I don't understand their humor... plus, it's not like I could prove them wrong...

After all, if I really wasn't a crybaby, I'd at least have the courage to tell them I don't want to take part in their Halloween party or to propose to do something else...

Yeah but... I'm not initiative enough to organize a party myself (not to mention I've never organized any party before so it probably wouldn't be very fun to them)... and if everyone is so happy to do the trick or treat thing and to scare some passers-by, I guess I can suck it up so everyone can have a good time together...


Sometimes... I think it's pretty strange that I think so much differently compared to them...

I mean... they're my friends but, except for Danganronpa, we just don't have much things in common and they'd rather mess and bother some people passing by in the street or... do things that I personnaly don't find fun...

We met a stupid way. When we got into this high school, we were in the same group project (we couldn't decide on the members) and ever since then, we've been spending all of our time together because we were the only people we knew in this new school...

I guess one could say we became friends "by default"... even if it's not really nice...

I sometimes feel like I'm the scapegoat of the group, the only one not liking the same things as the others, the only one disagreeing with the others, the only one not having fun whenever we do things that are supposed to be fun. The only one who doesn't really feel part of the group, in a way.

But I guess it would be the same with some other people anyway... their hobbies are still hobbies pretty normal for teenagers our age...

So I restrain myself from giving them a lesson about their behavior. I force myself to take part into their hangs out that I don't like and act like I enjoy these, laughing at their hurtful jokes about me.

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