[Eng] My Beloved

416 11 66

Trigger Warning !!

Watch out! This one-shot contains noncon, "rope" with a 'A', lemon (except I'm not referring to the fruit), in short, a certain someone who has to calm down because he's hungry af in the 3rd part!


*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Ah... is it already morning?

Ah crap... I'm so tired... well, I did spend the whole night watching danganronpa, and... dreaming of... him...

Oops... my bed's not so clean anymore... crap, my aunt is going to kill me again...

Oh fuck this, now that it is time, there's more important than my aunt scolding me once again about my bed sheets and the business I handle at nighttime.

Since it's time to get prepared to go to school! I'm exhausted since I didn't sleep at all last night, but I'm so glad I get to go back to school once again today! I'm so happy this is a weekday, and not a weekend or a holiday!

Oh no, don't get the wrong idea, I'm not one of these teacher's pet, serious students who love to study and to learn new things more than anything else in the world. Far from it. I don't give a shit about classes and school. If I can study the bare minimum to pass my classes, and not get scolded by my aunt and uncle, I'm fine by it.

(Yes, my aunt and uncle. No, I don't live with my parents. Long story. Boring story. Don't wanna talk about it. I don't care either way.)

I'm neither one of these social butterflies who've got tons of friends at school, impatient to meet them again. Faaar frooom iiit. Between you and me, people even think I'm a disgusting creep, hence why they stay faaar awaaay from me. Oh trust me about social distancing! It's always respected, by far, when I'm around!

No, my reason for such a joy is completely something else... some weeks ago, a new student arrived at my school... someone so beautiful, so cute, so pretty... I can't look away from him... when I can't see him, I immediately start missing him... I just need to think of him and of all those little things about him to be able to smile...

Anyway, I wipe off the best I can the consequences of my sweet dream from last night, put on a bit less dirty clothes, catch some bread and leave the house. I'll eat my breakfast on my way to school. After all, why would I waste some precious time eating at home when I can eat while walking, and thus have some more precious seconds to admire my darling and my beloved?

I walk to school, putting bites of bread in my mouth, avoiding bumping into the passerby's and the other students walking outside. I don't care about any of them, they're not worth my time, nor energy. None of them is my beloved, they can all just die all alone in butthole for all I care.

The only exception is... him...

Aaah... finally I'm getting to the school! He should be near, probably where he usually is! I can feel my dick hardening upon thinking of seeing him!

I hide behind the same tree as the other days, letting only my golden eye see what is on the other side of the tree... aaah... yes, I can see him!

There he is... sitting on a bench in the school playground... reading silently a book by himself, alone and solitary... my angel... my precious... my darling who has such a pretty and a cute face, half-hidden by his hair locks... my love... my soulmate... my beloved...

Not to mention he also watches danganronpa! He really is perfect! Perfectly perfect!! Kyah!!

Aaah... I bet if this were one of these romantic AU, where soulmates are marked a certain same way or calculated at birth, we'd be a 200% match!! There just isn't any other possibility! We're made for each other! I love him so much, after all! And I'm sure he feels the same way too! Well, if he doesn't for now, I'm certain he will in the future! Especially once he'll see how much I love him and what I would do for him! Surely, he'll love me once he'll understand how huge and infinite my love for him and only him is! He won't even have to be scared of me cheating on him!

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