[Eng] Father's Day

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The sound of our glasses hitting against each other, along with our laughs was creating a pleasant music. It's been so long since I've last had such a good time.

I drank a bit after raising my glass with the one sitting at our table, discreetly staring at him, as if to detail his body I was finally able to see in real life.

He has spiky hairs, as white as iron, his skin is also very pale and his eyes were colored with a beautiful clear green.

He laughed out of embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck.

« Ha ha ! yeah, I'm not really used to all these online date and applications. Sorry... »

« No, it's alright ! » I quickly raised my hands to reassure him. « I understand, i also had a hard time with it at first... my friends are the ones who convinced me to try it out so... I get... I get the feeling...»

indeed, that was the whole reason why we were meeting in this nice restaurant.

I've been single for the last years, having no envy, force or courage to search up for my love and to date boys like in high school. And to be completely honest, I wasn't in my best days either... I was pretty depressed, I just wanted to work hard just so I could forget all of my problems...

My friends, Cherry and Mori, noticed I was doing bad and kept telling me I couldn't keep going on like this, that I needed to find a nice boy to spend some time with... and maybe love...

Then they got a "genius" idea of signing me on an online date app. I tried to protest at first, not wanting to post a picture of my face on social medias, along with a bunch of private information. Not to mention I always think I'm ugly. And some people on the internet are not the nicest ones.

But I've always been calmer and quieter so, this fight against Cherry and Mori who know everything about flirting and dating (and don't hesitate to do it) was lost before it even started.

Mori Keiko and Cherry Blossom are my best friends, we've known each other since middle school. I'm glad they're my friends and I was able to meet them but... it would be even better if they stopped trying to force me to flirt with some strangers on a social media...

Well... at least, tonight, I owe them...

My last dates were all total failures with men pretending to be people they weren't, editing their pictures on the app, acting rudely or asking me to pay for their bill.

All of these were concluded by a mere text I sent them « I'm sorry, I had a good time with you but i don't think we are each other's soulmates. I hope you understand and I know you will find someone. ».

mere text that often got answered a « oh so ya don't like me ? you're just like other girls ! you bitch ! I've been so nice inviting you to a nice restaurant and this is how you thank me ?! well, ya know what ? I don't even care !! ya just ugly whore !! »


Answers I quickly blocked.

Frankly, I was starting to think this app was the worst idea ever and that I should just stop there...

And then I matched with Keebo.

His full name is Keebo Idabashi, his profile looked different from the other men. He seemed shyer... more... genuine...

We started talking via texts and, even though we were at first pretty shy, we kept talking of everything. Our jobs, our families, our hobbies, our friends...

He's working in robotic, passionate about all the machines and inventions for the future. While I'm just a clumsy salary-woman who likes to draw on her free time.

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