[Eng] Olympia - Part 2

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Just a tiny side note to warn you, just in case, that rules for fanarts or any kind of fan works are still the same as in Guardian Demon and apply to all my projects in general ! Oh god I feel like I sound so pretentious but I'm not forcing you into anything ofc, it's just in case some of you were wondering, here's the answer :-)

On those words, here we go for the 2nd and last part of this AU since you wanted it first ! Can't wait to have your feedbacks and reactions on it ! ^^


Kokichi... the goddess of the hell... and Shuichi Saihara's spouse, known as Hades...

« Uuuh... *hic*... *hic*... mother... uh...»

I couldn't believe it... I couldn't believe this was now my title... I couldn't believe what had happened...

How could my life turn upside down this much in three tiny days ?!

How could my life turn in... such a hellish nightmare... ?


Shuichi... or Hadès, the god of the dead...

A psychotic god able to come up with the worst ideas of torture ever solely to punish the worst criminals once they die and their souls arrive in the realm of the dead, getting judged for the crimes they commited when they were alive...

This god so cold and working so much that he didn't have any wife yet just a few hours ago despite the number of girls and goddess wooing him...

This god chose me... Persephone... and to make sure I couldn't refuse his proposal, he kidnapped me, took me away from my kingdom and tricked me into swallowing a pomegrenate seed... from the hells...

I tried to protest to the all-mighty god Makoto, explaining to him that Shuichi had tricked me, that I didn't consensually eat that seed...

« Lord Makoto !! I beg of you !! He tricked me !! Can't you make an exception ?! I refuse to marry such a frightening god !! He even threatened me several times !!»

« I... I'm sorry... rules apply to humans as well as to gods...»

« Come on, my queen, it's obvious we can't do anything about it ! Rules are rules... now, come here...»

« No !! Don't touch me !!»

« Gonta forbid Shuichi to touch Kokichi !!»

I still perfectly remember the protection of my mother at this moment, when she grabbed me away from lord Shuichi's pale hand dangerously getting closer to me... I miss mother so much...

« Shuichi kidnap and hurt Kokichi !! Gonta refuse Kokichi marry Shuichi because hurt Kokichi !!»

« Hurt ? What are you talking about ? I never once harmed Kokichi ! She has been living in hell for the last three days in a very respectful way ! I know how to take care of my queen !»

« That's wrong !! He threatened me several times saying he would torture me if I didn't accept his proposal !! He said he would put me on Ixion's fired wheel or in Tantalum's lake !!»

I remember that, at this moment, after screaming the loudest I could, I hid my face wet my tears in my mother's dress and that she hugged me even tighter...

« Makoto !! Gonta refuse wedding and proposal ! Shuichi traumatize and cowardly trick Kokichi ! Rules from hell not apply in this case ! Shuichi worst husband possible for Kokichi !! Wedding unthinkable !!»

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