Eighteen: On The Road Again

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You really might kill me for that chapter title.

I am sorry for the coincidence.

Eighteen: On The Road Again


"What do you mean, Annie?", I asked my sister intently.

She bit her lip, "I don't know. I feel like I've seen him somewhere."

"When?", I asked.

"About six or five years ago.", she replied.

"But that's when-"

"I know.", she shook off the thought. "Maybe I have just mistaken him for someone."

I nodded and went to my bedroom.

As I turned off the lights, Jack sent me a message.

J: Hey :)

E: Hi

J: How would you like to go to Disney World next week?

E: Would be cool... No wait, are you serious?

J: Well, yeah. Hoping to take you out (and the rest of the department) on a Disney spree.

E: Like we don't have enough Disney on the job. -.-*

J: It was just an idea! :)

E: Well, sure. Seems like a great idea.

J: Great! Well, good night :)

E: Night :)

J: I love you.

I smiled like a goofball and hugged the phone before replying.

E: I love you too... 

I turned off the table lamp next to me, and looked up at my ceiling in complete wanderlust. I can't seem to accept the whole thing... as if I feel like this was still a dream. A wonderful dream come true.

After a week, the entire design crew packed up and left in a van to Disney World. We agreed on meeting up in front of the office building for our head count and to jokingly torment the other departments that were left behind.

I arrived about fifteen minutes early, which I always am for every occasion. Carrying my bright blue duffel bag towards the curb, I spotted Thia and Once-ler.

"Have you guys seen Audrey?", Thia asked me.

Once-ler shrugged, "She texted me that she was almost here, and yet she ain't."

I raised an eyebrow and checked my phone, "She did tell me that as well."

"G-guys, h-hel help!", we heard whimpers from behind us. Audrey was walking... I mean, was crawling towards us with two large suitcases rolling behind her and a big The North Face backpack slung around her arm. Her forehead was drenched in sweat as her knees collapsed, and two hatboxes that were attached to her suitcases fell on the pavement.

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