Not a Chapter, but something really interesting!

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I guess you've all heard that I'm going to have a new book, coming maybe a little after All Over Again has ended. 

And the book shall be dubbed, Royal Holiday, a short novella adapted from William Wyler's Roman Holiday starring ever so beautiful Audrey Hepburn.

Modern Universe again? Hmm... maybe a little of both worlds :3

Here's what I crammed up as the book's description!

[Classic with a Modern Twist!]

Well, it's not every day that you see a common-looking princess running about in the streets of London.

Tired of her royal life, Princess Eloise Sophia Alecia... or just by her preferred nickname, Elsa, had always dreamed of a different world beyond her bedroom window. Not just beyond her window, but beyond the regal palace that has confined her for nearly twenty years.

Seeing an opportunity after a charity ball, she flees from her luxurious imprisonment, and gladly embracing a bit of freedom outside of the castle walls.

She is then discovered by Jackson Frost, a humble news writer, helplessly sleeping on a fountain bench in front of a cathedral. Hesitant, he brings the mysterious and seemingly hungover lady to his apartment to a close speculation. He then recognizes the princess after some time, and arranges a pact to his news editor for a full-length interview with Her Royal Highness.

Jack arranges a whole day of "Doing-Everything-That-Elsa-Wants" in hopes to get some juicy secrets of the princess's wants, aspirations, and impossible dreams.

And in that whole day of adventure, brews up the beginning of a whole lifetime of weird, incomprehensible, silly, reckless love.

A book that proves that people do fall in love in mysterious ways...

And that sometimes, love is a piano dropped from a four story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

How is it? I hope it sounds good :< 

Maybe this book oughta have just 10 chapters, or something... or maybe fifteen, I dunno!

One more thing, I was thinking of trying out to write this in third person. I want a new challenge, and I absolutely adore anyone who could write a good story in third person views :>

Tell me what you think... 'cause this is just a shot in the dark, and you guys might not like it :<


PS: The epilogue of All Over Again is done. Wait for me to type it down. I wrote it ages ago.


Creys are coming.

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