Twenty: In Case

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[UPDATE] If you cannot see the video on top on Wattpad Mobile or in any other cases, please view the video by clicking the external link, or by searching for the name i n c a s e || jelsa from the channel Nightstar Studios.

The edit on top, and the video are all specially made by me for this chapter.

We've all been waiting for this.

Twenty: In Case


Our group of friends seemed to have dispersed away from the brewing face-off that was about to happen. I was frantic. I did not know what to do.

I was standing in between two girls that I love. And I didn't want to choose.

Erin took my hand in tears, "Jack, I've been wishing that you'd come back to me. You promised, we promised. Forever and always."

I blinked speechless at the girl who was looking at me. She had changed over the years, her long dark hair cropped into a long bob. Her unmistakable eyes, those lips I used to kiss every night... I know she had still been the same.

Elsa started tearing up, shaking her head as she avoided my gaze, but she did look intently at Erin, "It was you! Why do you keep on taking people away from me?"

"Me?", Erin spat out, stepping in closer towards Elsa. "You're the one who's got Mom's attention for the entirety of your childhood. Your family stole her from us!"

"You know each other?", I stepped in the middle to calm the fight. Elsa's blue eyes widened, and averted their gaze from me.

"She belongs to the other family of my mother.", Elsa says.

"You little-", Erin runs up to the other girl. "You ruined my family!" She brings up her hand to hit Elsa, and when she did, Elsa stepped back... and ran.

I glanced at Erin, who was filled with rage, and then followed closely to Elsa.

"Elsa!", I called out into the park, running after her. "Talk to me."

She stopped in her tracks, right before the theme park's lake. She was on the other side of the bridge, crying out her baby blue eyes. I painfully dragged myself towards her, each second of the image of her crying stabbed my heart.

I reached out for her hand saying, "Els-", but she pulled her arm away. I tried to walk a few more steps closer, but the more I did, the more she stepped back.

"D-don't... come a-any closer.", she warned and raised a palm before me-- signaling my boundary.

"I didn't know, Elsa. Please believe me.", I said-- trying to resist myself from running to her, hugging her in my arms.

She bit her lip and cried out, "I was a goddamn fool! I was such a fool to believe that anything would be mine, and only mine."

"First my mother, and now you.", she broke down at the last word. "I love you so much, Jack... but you were never mine."

"Elsa, I was yours for the little bit of infinity that we had.", I reasoned out.

She smiles, "And I thank you for that piece of infinity, but this is where it ends."

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