Thirteen: Why Me?

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Medialess... 'cause I can't think of an awesome banner, and there are no cool vids in YT. 


Enjoy the chap!

Thirteen: Why Me?


"Where did you two go?", Once-ler confronted me as I shut the door behind my office.

"Relax, Once.", I said. "We just got trapped in the elevator, and then I took her out to lunch. Just that. No dating whatsoever."

"There better be nothing, Jack.", he said. "Elsa is mine."

I gave him a weird look, cocking my head to the side.

He's going to be one overly attached boyfriend for sure.

Once-ler exited the room with a glare. I sat back on my seat and watched Elsa giggle from the other side of the glass panes of my office.

I got lost in her for a few minutes, until she looked up at me through the glass and gave me a smile and a soundless giggle. My eyes widened and I placed back on a I-wasn't-staring-at-you-seriously face.

But I couldn't keep up that mask and I smiled. She stuck her tongue at me and continued giggling. Audrey noticed the sudden whimsical feeling, and followed Elsa's gaze. She looked down and muttered things as Audrey poked her shoulder.

When Audrey's attention was gone from her, she looked back at me with a smile.

I returned that smile and faced forward at Rapunzel.

"Are you even listening to me, Jack?", she whined. "I understand that Elsa is a very beautiful creature, but would you please listen to something that matters right now?"

"I wasn't, I mean I was but-"

"Yeah, okay.", she rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Are you planning to ask her out soon?"

"No...", I said. "I mean, she's really pretty and really nice but-"

"But what?", she raised an eyebrow. "Is this what you and Once-ler were talking about?"

"No...", I lied.

She tossed her high ponytail to the side, "Oh Jack, I know you too well."

I shrugged.

"Well, if you want the girl...", she said. "Then go ahead and kiss the girl."

"WHAT?", I yelled.

"Just kidding.", she smiled as she went for the door. "Just remember, that I'm happy that you have found someone other than Erin... And don't worry about Once-ler. You've got so much class than him"

Rapunzel walked out of my office as I looked over at the empty desk that I had.

I was done for the day.

I looked back at Elsa, seeing that she was packing up as well.

My smart head thought of walking out when she was near my office, so we would bump into each other. So meeting her would be as smooth as a smoothie.

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