Nine: After All These Years

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Video on the side is made by Frozenlove x

And the edit... is mine :3 teehee :>

Nine: After All These Years


"So, I guess this meeting is over.", Mick stood up from his seat. "I'll have Belle give out the new scripts and ideas to all of you."

I closed my laptop and shut my eyes for a moment. 

"Here's the script, Jack.", Belle handed out a thick folder. "Oh, and I heard you got a new employee."

I tried to muster up the fakest smile I could, "Thanks."

"Ey Jack!", Merida called me once I got out of the conference room. "How's the new girl... Elsa?"

"She's fine.", I said bluntly. Everyone seemed to notice Elsa lately.

"Take care of that girl...", she pointed a finger at me. "She seems so sweet and nice, and I don't want you to go firing her any time soon."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine then."

I walked away from the fiery redhead and hopped in the elevator.

Elsa was inside and she smiled and waved, "Hi!"

I didn't reply and I just looked away. She tilted her head towards me and raised a paper bag, "I got an extra cappuchino, if you like."

"Hey Jack!", Erin ran up to me. She was all full of smiles, even though we just had a tough day of school. "Wanna go to Taco Bell?"

"But, we've been there yesterday.", I argued. "How about let's just go to a cafe instead?"

She pouted, "Jack, I don't drink coffee."

"Please, you have never even tried a sip?", I raised an eyebrow.

She shook her head, "It doesn't smell so good."

I grabbed her hand, "You are gonna get your very first cup of coffee, and you will love it." We drove off to a nearby cafe, not too far from Tiffany's

After I ordered a cup, I gave it to her.

She breathed in the scent and made a face, "Ugh, Jack. I don't want to."

"Just take a sip, please...", I put on my cutest pout. "For me?"

She giggled, "Okay, okay."

The moment she took a sip, her eyes popped wide open, "Oh God,"

"What?", I jumped in excitement.

"This tastes so gooood!", she squealed as she took another large gulp. "What is this called?"

"It's cappuchino."

The memory flooded my mind and I said in a loud tone, "No."

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