The End

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All my thanks are to you lovely people, who have relentlessly read this book, no matter how it breaks your hearts.

Just like love. You'll go over it again and again, no matter how you know that it will just break your heart.

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "

Does he do all these things, like I used to?

The End

Five Years Later


I have thought about her constantly. After all of these years, her beautiful smile never waned in my memory and, her heartwarming laugh never ceased to play back in my head.

I loved her, and I admit, I still do. I badly wanted to see her again, not because I want to mend our relationship, but to see if she was finally happy.

Our connections were cut off when she broke it off with me. She resigned from DisneyDream, and moved somewhere else she knew where I would never find her. Believe me, I tried looking for her, but she made herself clear that she wanted to be completely gone from me. But in my head, she was still there. And her name is still imprinted in my heart.

I kicked myself multiple times for choosing Erin over her. I did love Erin, with all my heart, but it was never the same. Every time I would look at her dark eyes, I found myself wishing that I was flying high on her blue eyes. Every time I would wake up in the morning, I found myself wishing Erin was she. 

Another autumn breeze blew over the tall willow tree in the park I was sitting beneath. The fall-colored river overlooked the wide bridge that connected two different pieces of land together from the park. Five years ago, this was the place where my heart shattered into a million pieces, never to be placed back to normal. I visited this place every year, just hoping to see her once again. I don't need our relationship to be fixed, for all I want is to see how she has managed to live right after she left me here to pieces.

"Mommy, look!", a cute little boy with big blue eyes ran towards my side, and picked up a terracotta-colored maple leaf. I smiled and nodded at the young kid, and he had a wide-eyed grin that seemed so familiar.

A woman quickly followed after him and said, "That's lovely, Jack."

She turned her gaze to me, jaws dropping, tears falling.

"Elsa", I said that one name that I would never have forgotten.

Her dark eyebrows furrowed in worry, as she hastily wiped the single tear from her face, "Jack."

I heard that you've settled down
And you've found a guy
And you're married now

The little boy, her son, clung onto her saying, "Who is he, Mommy?"

"He's Mommy's old friend, darling.", she said with a smile that was wavering down as she said the word "friend". "Go play with Buster for a moment, honey.", she told him and pointed to a beagle from afar.

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