Twelve: And This Is How It Starts

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I feel nice, so here's an update! If I feel even NICER and this gets VOTES, more will be coming EVERYDAY!

Did I mention that this is also for Begin Again? :>

Video on the side is by Frozenlovex

Edit is by me... as normal, like what the heck is new?

UPDATE: Jack's sister is Mary Jane... I forgot that I already gave that girl a name lol

"When you look at me... I start to blush"

Twelve: And This Is How It Starts


"Great.", I muttered under my breath as I sat down on the floor. Jack eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm sure we'll get out here soon.", he said with a small smile. "Are you claustrophobic?"

"No...", I said with the same smile. "I just have a lot of things to do."

He looked to the side and smiled, "I'm sure you can do it."

"How about you?", I asked... starting out an awkward conversation. "Do you have something else to do?"

"Nope.", he smiled again. "I just want to finish Frozen Free Fall on my laptop."

My eyes lit up, "You play that too?"

"Yeah, I just started yesterday when I saw you playing it on your phone.", he shrugged.

"Stalker!", I giggled, and he laughed along.

Somebody's in a good mood.

Jack gave me another heart melting smile and sheepishly turned away. 

I actually have never realized how cute he is...

Okay, maybe not just cute... maybe he was a little gorgeous...

Just a little.

The dim light shone through his hair, and made it look so shiny... something like tin foil. His eyes were so blue that I think I could see the sea right through it.

"Are you okay?", he asked me, tilting his head.

I blinked, "Oh, yeah... I am."

He gave me a smirk, "I thought you got lost in my face already..."

"I wasn't-", I reasoned out.

"It's okay", he laughed. "I kinda got lost in your face, too."

My eyes popped out, and I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Just kidding.", he laughed again.

I turned away...

So, it was all just a joke? He really didn't look at me?

Dammit Elsa. You know this shouldn't happen ever again. 

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