Three: Run Away

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HELLO HUNNIES~ Haha, I'm really sorry for the long wait... so yeah... :3 I hope this chapter's gonna be awesome 'cause I don't think it is... 

Edit on the side is reedited by me :> idk who made that art... but it must be a Jackunzel shipper, so OH WELL xD

No videos on the side today... I'm tired of Jackunzel videos contaminating my YouTube list of suggestions... xD

Three: Run Away


I wandered inside my room as I deeply thought of what could happen. Dad said that I can't go to school tomorrow, since we had to pack  up the place. I sat by my bedroom's window seat and watched the big round moon glow against the starlight.

My door creaked open. "Erin, darling. You really have to start packing your things.", my father's sweet, but bitter voice said.

I didn't dare to turn my face to meet his eyes, nor even mouth a word at him. I just stared at the moon, and tried blocking out whatever he wanted to say.

"I know you don't understand it, Erin.", his voice started getting louder. "But you are an heir to the company, and I can't let you be with... that guy."

It took me all the courage I had to turn around and yell, "You don't know Jack, Dad. And you don't even know me! I understand what kind of person I am to the company, but don't you understand what kind of person I am to the family?", I stopped to see his raging face.

"I'm your daughter, Dad. Why don't you want me to be happy?", I continued.

He looked down, "Nothing will change my mind. We are moving as far as we could from Pennsylvania.". He finished his statement sternly, "And there is nothing you can do about it, Erin. Whether you like it or not, we are moving."

He closed my door and left me alone to think. 

This wasn't fair

He can't lock me away from the world forever...


Erin was supposed to be here in front of the school, so we could walk together to our class... which is both Science. She wasn't here... nor her strange body guards who dress up like students from the 80's.

"Hey guys?", I approached Merida and Rapunzel. "Have you seen Erin?"

Rapunzel shook her head, "She wasn't with me on any of our classes."

"Me too.", Merida frowned. "Where do you think she's gone off to?"

"I don't know.", I looked down. "But I think I know where she is."

"Where?", the two girls said in unison.

"Back at her house.", I said. "Packing."

"So Erin is leaving?", Flynn said as we sat down on a table in the cafeteria. It was now our free period, and Erin was still out of sight.

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