Seventeen: I Hope You Will

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I walked into the office with a bright smile on my face. This is going to be a great day. I stretched my head over to Jack's office, but he wasn't there yet... so I walked towards my desk.

"Hey, Elsa!", Merida exclaimed with a smile. "I brought samples of what we would like Ember's flames to be. Mind if you pick one that you like best?"

I reached out for her flash drive and plugged it into my laptop, "Just one?"

"Yeah... The samples I gave are far too different from each other.", she said. 

Audrey came in with a stash of drawing paper on her hands, "Coming throoough!"

She threw the collapsing paper tower on top of her desk, "Seriously, I need to decide on what scenery for the Flame Castle we should use."

Thia popped out from her cubicle, "I want the pretty red flamed one."

"I personally like the fiery tower design.", Merida said with a smirk.

I shrugged and checked on the flame designs for Ember in my laptop, "Well, if I get decided on these flames, maybe we could incorporate the same design for the castle."

"I like that idea.", his voice called out from the door frame. And there he is... Jack Frost.

I looked up with a smile, "Hey."

"Hey.", he replied with a smirk. He approached my desk agonizingly slowly... I just sat there... staring at him as he continued walking towards me.

"Ummm... Has she gone off?", Audrey waved her hands frantically in front of me.

I blinked my eyes to see Jack laughing with a cheeky eyebrow raised. 

I stuck my tongue at him and he laughed, "Bye Elsa."

I laughed along with him as he went back into his office, his eyes still locked on mine.

"Okay, did I miss an episode on the Elsa-Coldstone-Falls-for-Jack-Frost TV series?", Audrey cornered me, along with Thia and a shocked Merida.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Frosty become soooo happy, well since... since...", Merida spoke up, but she hesitated to finish it. "Nevermind."

"So, is there some special connection between the two of you now?", Thia smiled.

I rolled my eyes and felt the burning sensation against my cheeks.

They were all staring at me intently, including Once-ler who seemed to have his ears on the floor.

I bit my lip with a smile, "Okay, alright. YES."

The girls in front of me squealed like high school teenagers. Audrey and Thia high-fived each other and exchanged the "I told you so" look, and Merida was just standing there simply happy.

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