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The only thing Steve could think as he stared down at those two thin pink lines was: We're gonna need a bigger house.

Not that that was the first time that thought popped into his head. No, the first time was once Kit started to crawl and Oliver got into soccer, and that was two years ago. Now, it was a constant thought. One of the only constants next to how much they loved each other.

Too much currently on his mind, Steve tossed the test and washed his hands. Ignoring his reflection. After all, he and Bucky hadn't discussed having any more kids. Steve had even gone back on his suppressants. Steve rolled his eyes, look at how well that worked the first time.

Leaving the bathroom, Steve was almost ran over as Finn bypassed the master bedroom for his and Bucky's bathroom. That was another thing. With Kit potty training, they didn't have enough bathrooms to deal with everyone living there. Just wait until another baby is snoozing on your bladder.

Passing the boys' bathroom, he found the two year old sitting on the toilet with the door wide open, loudly singing as he did his business. Shaking his head, Steve couldn't help but chuckle as he closed the door to give the toddler more privacy. Even if the toddler was too young to fully understand what privacy was. All the while, he continued to sing while he trained his body to use the Big Boy Potty.

Rounding the corner, Steve entered the living room and was almost pelted in the face with a soccer ball. Luckily, having three sons had sharpened his reflexes and he caught the ball before it could break his nose, then gave Oliver and his best friend, Tony, both A Look. Soccer game or not, both eight year olds knew better than to play in the house.

"Sorry, Mr. Barnes," Tony sheepishly apologized while Oliver cringed and said, "Sorry, papa."

"Save it for the field, yeah?" Rolling the ball back over to them, Steve continued into the kitchen. Going back to his task of slicing the carrot into strips for the kids' afternoon snack. Worrying his lip as he wondered how he was going to tell Bucky that they could very well have four little guys running around the house. Sure, Bucky would probably be ecstatic the way that he had been about each of their other children. But...

What if he doesn't want another baby?

Heart racing, he focused on the carrots in front of him even more. After all, cutting off his finger was the last thing that he needed right now. Once that was done, he carried the dish out to the living room. Setting it on the coffee table for all the boys to share while they watched some animated superhero show.

Of course, none of that kept his mind preoccupied. Neither did the laundry for that matter. And even though he could use this time to think about how he was going to tell Bucky, he still had no clue. It felt like he was pregnant with Oliver all over again and had to make the biggest decision of his life.

And Steve hated that feeling. It had been bad enough the first time around. This was really the last thing that Steve needed. He had his hands full as it was. Yes, his sons were generally better behaved than a lot of other kids. And yes, they were always trying to help him out with things, and they had age appropriate chores. But what if –

Large hands on his hips caused Steve to jump and straighten up while dropping the garment of clothing he grabbed from the dryer. Entirely too jumpy, Steve spun around to greet his husband. Trying to appear collected even though he was freaking out on the inside. Not even realizing he had been suppressing his emotions until Bucky made a face.

"What?" Bucky cautiously questioned, studying Steve.

Instead of dreading it any more than he already had been, Steve decided to just go his usual route and confessed, "I'm pregnant."

For a moment, Bucky was shocked. Eyes widened, brows arched high on his forehead. Steve searched through their bond for any negativity from the alpha, but predictably didn't feel any. Bucky was studying him though and Steve didn't have to try to hide his feelings. Mainly because he was still trying to process them, himself.

"I'm going to be real honest here, Stevie, I'm not sure if you want me to be happy about this," Bucky stared, his tongue poking out of his mouth to lick over his lips, "Is this a good thing? Or...?"

"Or?" Steve repeated, brows furrowed.

Bucky nodded, "It's still your body, Stevie."

"I know," Steve confirmed. And while they were both omegists who whole heartedly supported equality and autonomy, Steve couldn't help but think that none of the other options would've felt right for himself.

His hand coming down to his still flat abdomen, Steve chose the one he had always chosen when it came to them, "But they're our baby."

That dopey grin that was always meant specifically for Steve broke out along Bucky's face as he lifted Steve, twirling him. Steve squealed in his shock and clung to his husband even tighter. With his feet still off the ground, Steve leaned in and kissed Bucky.

"We're having a baby," Bucky giggled in his glee.

"Shh," Steve shushed him around his own giddy grin, "I don't want the boys to know until we know for sure."

"Okay," Bucky agreed, setting Steve back on the floor, but continued holding him. Kissing him for all he was worth. Then, he pulled back. More serious as he asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes," Steve easily answered. Smiling, he added, "I'd have a million babies with you."

"That's a lot of babies, Stevie," Bucky deadpanned.

Playfully shrugging, Steve mocked, "I like a lot of babies."

"Yeah, you and me both, pal," Bucky grinned, leaning into kiss Steve again. Holding him close and dipping him back, causing Steve to laugh. The pair enjoying this moment just like they enjoyed every other moment.

When a loud crash of something fragile breaking was heard, they pulled back and stared at each other. With having three rambunctious boys, this wasn't the first time that something had been broken. Not even the first thing to be broken with Tony being there. Hell, half the time things were usually broken at a higher rate when Tony was there. Of course, that had more to do with the two older boys not following the No Balls in the House rule.

"Let's hope this one isn't a big soccer fan," Bucky joked, smacking a kiss to Steve's temple.

Steve playfully rolled his eyes and agreed, "We can only hope."

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now