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The following weekend, Steve kept his word and took Finn to the movies. The revival theater was showing Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and since that had been Sarah's favorite, Steve decided that it was meant to be. Even if Steve had been worried that the other little boys in the house would be jealous that they weren't going to the movies with them.

Luckily though, they seemed to understand that they'd each get a one-on-one day with each of their fathers. So, Steve, catching Finn's contagious excitement let his own excitement bubble out of him.

"Well, ya ready, cookie?" Steve asked, making sure that he had his wallet and phone. Normally, he'd make sure he had his keys too, but since he was too big to drive now, he didn't need to worry about that.

Looking past Steve, Bucky let out a low whistle. Brows furrowed, Steve turned to find Finn wearing a clean, green flannel shirt and had his hair combed. Steve smiled and complimented the little boy, "Don't you look snazzy! Maybe I should go change."

"Papa," Finn snorted, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"What d'ya say, handsome, you ready to go?" Steve smoothed over Finn's curls.

Nodding, Finn beamed up at Steve. Before anything else could be said, Bucky called out, "C'mon guys, let's go!"

"Why do we have to go? I thought it was just papa and Finn," Oliver sassed, begrudgingly entering the kitchen.

"Because papa can't drive and you're too young to stay home alone," Bucky answered, herding Oliver and Kit through the mudroom behind Steve and Finn.

As Bucky helped Steve into his winter coat, Oliver complained, "But Tony gets to stay at home by himself!"

Steve and Bucky exchanged a look. Then, Steve reasoned, "You can barely remember to put your dirty underwear in the hamper, how are we going to expect you to take care of the whole house and your brother by yourself?"

"That's a good point," Bucky quietly told him.

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and started putting on his gloves. All the while, Finn led the way out of the house. Getting into the running van and fastening himself into his booster seat. Steve smiled at his Big Boy, but felt bittersweet. And with all the extra emotions always running through him these days, the tears soon followed.

Climbing into the driver seat, Bucky quirked an eyebrow at Steve, silently asking if he was alright. Assuring him, Steve waved his husband's concern away. One would think that after all this time, Bucky would understand that it was just those pregnancy hormones working overtime.

On the way the family listened to one of Bucky's old Jonas Brothers' CDs. The loudest one singing along was Kit and Steve teased his mate, "That's it! You're not allowed to play Lines, Vines, and Trying Times in the car anymore."

"Oh, c'mon," Bucky chuckled, "You know you love this album."

"I love you," Steve fondly corrected.

Lifting their intertwined hands, Bucky kissed the back of Steve's as he reminded, "I love you too."

Pulling up outside of the revival theater, Steve felt like a teenager again. Remembering how Sarah used to drop him off at the theater so he could meet up with the few classmates that didn't bully him. Only this time would be better than any of those times. He wouldn't have to worry about whether his companions really liked him. Nor would he have to deal with sticky hands trying to grope him.

Leaning over the console, Bucky shared a kiss with Steve, reminding, "Just text me when it's over."

"Will do," Steve smiled, slowly and cautiously climbing out of the passenger seat. Opening the back door, he held his hand out for Finn, "Ready to go, cookie?"

Excitedly, Finn nodded and hopped out of the van. Holding Steve's hand Finn tried to rush into the theater. Steve chuckled under his breath and teased the little boy, "Where's the fire, cookie?"

Slowing down once they were inside the theater, Finn asked, "Can we get snacks, papa?"

"Sure," Steve smiled, turning for the concessions.

Noticing the teen behind the counter, Finn shyly hid behind Steve's legs. Steve comforted the little boy by marking over his shoulder as he asked, "What're ya thinkin, bub? Some popcorn? Maybe some gummy worms?"

Finn nodded and Steve smiled at the young alpha, relaying, "A medium popcorn, extra butter. Gummy worms." Looking over the other candies, Steve decided, "Some Reese's Pieces. What drinks do you have?"

"Coke products," the teen said. Probably cluing into Steve not wanting to give Finn any caffeine, "Orange Hi-C and Welch's Grape Juice."

Rubbing Finn's back, Steve said, "You hear that, cookie? There's Hi-C and Grape. Which one sounds good?"

"Grape," Finn quietly answered.

"Two grape juices, please," Steve told the teen and handed his card over. Politely, the pair waited as the snacks were gathered, and Steve asked the almost six year old, "Are you excited?"

Still being shy, Finn nodded. Steve smiled and said, "You know, this was mimi's favorite movie."

"Really?" Finn asked, curious about the grandma he wasn't able to meet.

Steve nodded, "Yup. She wanted to watch it almost every day. Just like you with High School Musical 3."

Finn's smile grew at being linked to his mimi, and Steve's heart clenched. He – like his brothers – had his grin. The one that he, himself, had inherited from Sarah. Smoothing his hand over Finn's hair, Steve felt like his mom was there with them.

Eyes going a little misty, Steve took the tray with their snacks and smiled at the teen employee. Not being able to hold Finn's hand with his own full, Steve kept his eyes on the little boy like a hawk.

Entering the correct showing room, Steve let Finn pick their seats. Thankfully, there weren't a lot of people in there and were mainly older couples. He just hoped that none of them got annoyed with his son. Even though Finn was the quietest of their children, he was still a five year old.

As they settled in their seats, Steve opened the candy and handed it over. Then he set Finn's cup in the holder so he could put the straw in it. Once everything was the way Steve wanted, the movie started. Steve closed his eyes, being taken back to the small apartment he and Sarah lived in when he was a kid. Swearing that for a moment, he could smell his mother's calming scent and the lilac detergent they used.

Opening his eyes, Steve sniffled and looked down at Finn to see what he thought of the movie so far. The five year old's face was already in awe, and it was just the instrumental with opening credits. Steve hoped that the five year old never lost that about himself.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now