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Bucky and Steve decided to honor the women in their lives. Natasha, Becca, and Mandy carried the girls out of the nursery. Reaching the living room, the three women passed the newborns to Tibby, Aubrey, and Aunt Cecilia. And when they reached the kitchen, the girls were handed off once more to their bubbe, nana, and bebe.

While this time around was almost entirely different from the others, the one thing that stayed the same was Dr. Erskine. After all, he had been, "booked," for the day since they thought they were having two girls and a boy, so they just decided to keep the mohel, but asked him to just do a naming ceremony.

When the girls reached him, Dr. Erskine smiled and cooed at them before starting the ceremony with a Hebrew prayer. Once the prayer was finished, the older beta started, "Each male child is circumcised on the chair of Elijah the prophet as a way to strengthen and continue the covenant that has been passed down from Abraham. But we're not here for that today."

Chuckles came from the attendees and Finn asked, "What's circus-sized?"

Which earned even more laughter from the bunch. Quietly, Steve told the six year old, "We'll tell you later."

"For generations, Jewish women have seen Deborah as the female prophetess who best represents the values of a new female soul," Dr. Erskine continued. "She was the judge of Israel who held the community together during struggles and disputes with fairness and justice. A leader of prayer and a vision-seeker who knew what was hidden to others. Because of this, it is fitting that we choose to honor her at this special moment in the life of these children."

Gesturing to the island countertop and the empty dockatoc, Dr. Erskine nodded so the older women would place the newborns in the cushioned area. "This seat we now dub the Chair of Deborah the Prophetess, we place our daughter in her arms. We ask that these little ones be endowed with the gift of Deborah's prophetic vision."

As Dr. Erskine recited another Hebrew blessing over their daughters, Bucky pulled Steve closer. Kissing his temple and marking over his slender shoulder.

"May the one who blessed our mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, our prophetesses, Miriam, Deborah, Avigail, and Esther the Queen, bless these lovely children." Touching Cori's head first, Dr. Erskine introduced, "Ganya bat Jacob v'Atar.

"Elisheva bat Jacob v'Atar," Dr. Erskine touched Bitsy's head next and then Nevie's last, "Levana bat Jacob v'Atar."

Applauds erupted from their loved ones and Steve was quick to wipe at his eyes. Unlike where the ceremony usually ended during the brit milahs, Dr. Erskine added, "May they grow up in health and peace. May they live full lives of honor and joy through to their old age."

With that being the end, Dr. Erskine still passed the glass of wine to Bucky so he could take a drink before handing it to Steve. When Steve handed it back to the mohel, he thanked the older man for sharing in another one of their special days.

As the group dispersed throughout the mostly open-concept layout of their ground floor, the triplets were passed from one older relative to the next. For the most part, they were quiet, but Steve caught Bucky keeping a close eye on their daughters regardless.

"It's weird, isn't it?"

Turning, Steve found Sam and he asked, "What is?"

"That my kids are in college and yours are too young to even be in elementary school," Sam said, looking over at his grown children.

"At least you still look good for your age," Steve complimented. Adding, "When the girls are in college, I'm going to be all wrinkled and white-haired."

Smile growing, Sam chuckled, "Yeah, I guess there's that."

Soon enough, T'Challa brought over Cori. Her puffy, frilly mint green dress reminded Steve of the dolls his grandmother used to collect. With her head resting on T'Challa's shoulder and her eyes closed, causing her enviously long lashes to rest upon the apple of her round cheek, she was prettier than a porcelain doll.

"Aww," Sam cooed, caressing the side of her face, "She's so precious."

"Isn't she," T'Challa beamed, rubbing over her back.

"Maybe we should have another," Sam suggested.

"Ha," T'Challa scoffed. Handing his husband the newborn, the omega claimed, "Soak up all this baby time because this is as much as you're gonna get until we're grandparents."

Settling Cori on his shoulder, Sam swayed and affectionately rested his cheek against Cori's. Adoring the baby already, just as he had with all the other Barnes children.

"Ya know," Steve teased, "You're gonna make one hell of a gramps."

"Uncle Sammy is a grampa?" Kit asked as he climbed onto the sofa so he could be taller.

Steve tossed his head back and held his torso while he laughed, causing the little boy to laugh too. Even T'Challa joined in. Curious, Bucky joined them and asked, "What's so funny?"

"Uncle Sammy is a grampa!" Kit repeated with a large grin.

"Mazel tov," Bucky genuinely congratulated their friend and patted him on the back.

"Man, shut the hell up," Sam deadpanned while T'Challa explained, "I said that we're not having another baby in our house unless it's a grandchild and Kit here got a little confused."

"Damn," Bucky feigned defeat. Continuing the teasing, "I was hoping we could sign them up for preschool together."

Steve shook his head and Sam rolled his eyes. Meanwhile, Cori turned her head and started rubbing her forehead against her honorary uncle's broad shoulder. Steve knew that move well, even before she started fussing.

A bit reluctantly, the man handed her over. Steve swayed and assured, "She probably just needs a changing and a bottle." Directing his attention to the newborn, he put on his baby-voice as he repeated, "Yeah, you just need a new diapey and a baba."

Carrying the newborn over to the nursery, Steve turned to see where the other two girls were. Glad to see that Bitsy was with her Aunties and Nevie was with her godmother. Turning back around, Steve got to work cleaning the baby and changing her into something more comfortable with the ceremony being over now. Grabbing a sage green footie onesie, Steve quickly dressed the small newborn.

Carrying her out to the rest of the house where the party was still taking place, Steve took another moment to watch everyone. They were all so happy, and Steve still couldn't believe that he had once thought that he was better off without them. That he could raise Oliver on his own. Now, nearly a decade later, all he could do was shake his head at his younger self's ignorance.

Nosing at Cori's dark hair, he kissed the top of her head. Loving their girls and their community with everything he had.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now