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"Steven Grant, sit your ass down before I staple your pants to the goddamn chair!" Bucky ordered as he climbed over an empty crib box and an unassembled crib to stop his thirty week pregnant husband from moving the unopened box.

"For fuck's sake, Buck," Steve rolled his eyes, sitting in the new nursery rocking chair, "I'm just trying to help!"

"Once you've reached thirty-six weeks, then you can help whenever you want," Bucky stated, moving back to his side of the nursery where one crib was standing and another one was in pieces spread around him. Pointing the screwdriver in Steve's direction, Bucky instructed, "I want you to relax. I don't want you trying to open any boxes. I don't want you trying to assemble anything. I want you to sit there and relax."

Settling in the comfortable cushioned rocker, Steve teased, "Anyone ever tell ya how sexy you are when you're bossy?"

"Yeah, some punk whenever he tries to defy a doctor's order."

Steve chuckled at that and sassily questioned, "Am I allowed to fold these clothes? Or is that against doctor's orders?"

Screwing two of the crib parts together, Bucky muttered, "I'll show you, 'doctor's orders.'"

Smiling, Steve pulled the laundry basket closer to himself. Remaining in the comfy chair, Steve picked up one of the tiny outfits they had been given during Hanukkah. A little frilly, purple floral onesie that Steve adored endlessly. Of course, he adored all of the clothes. Whether they be new or hand-me-downs. Whether they be for Corey or Bitsy and Nevie. It didn't matter to Steve, he adored them all.

Folding the item and setting it on the ottoman, Steve picked up another item. This time a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt that was once Kit's. Tears started building in his eyes and he couldn't help but sniffle as he folded the sweatshirt that his baby was now too big to wear. And while Steve loved seeing how all of his boys were growing and evolving, it just felt like they were growing too quickly.

Everything passing by in the blink of an eye. One moment, Steve was a new father, holding his tiny firstborn, not knowing a goddamn thing about how to raise a baby. Then, the next, Oliver was walking and talking. Steve was there for every one of his sons' firsts, but he wished that they had lingered. Lingered for just a moment longer.

"Stevie?" Bucky asked once he caught the sour note in Steve's scent.

"I'm fine," Steve assured. Sniffling, he clarified, "Just the hormones."

Empathetically, Bucky blew Steve a kiss before returning to his current task. Fondly, Steve watched him for a moment. So unbelievably glad that he got so extremely lucky.

"Can I, uh..." Oliver started, but paused in the doorway to the nursery. Giving Steve a concerned look.

"Can you what, sweetie?" Steve asked, sniffling and picking up another garment. Folding it as a way to distract himself.

Oliver exchanged a look with his best friend before he pointedly looked over at Bucky and then back to Steve, "Can I stay the night at Tony's?"

"Is your room clean?" Bucky asked, pausing his building as he reread the directions.

"Yup," Oliver quickly answered. Perhaps too quickly.

Studying their oldest, Steve called his bluff, "So, if I were to go upstairs, I wouldn't find toys scattered around? And your clothes would be put away?"

"Sure," Oliver nonchalantly shrugged while Tony's eyes widened, giving the answer away. Not catching the look on his friend's face, Oliver added, "If you can get upstairs to see."

"Oliver Thomas," Bucky reprimanded, pointing the screwdriver in the eight year old's direction. Then, he reminded, "Your papa might not be able to walk upstairs, but I sure as hell can."

Shoulders slumping, he whined, "But dad!"

"But nothing," Bucky pointed to the ceiling, "Clean your room and then you can stay at Tony's."

"If it's okay with Mrs. Stark," Steve added, looking to the other little boy.

"It is, Mr. Barnes," Tony politely assured.

Rolling his eyes, Oliver dramatically sighed, "Fine, c'mon let's go clean my room."

As the eight year olds dragged their feet towards the staircase, Steve folded a pair of dinosaur footie pajamas and scoffed, "Can you believe that he's not even a teenager yet?"

"All Barnes kids are dramatic," Bucky chuckled, getting the frame finally set up.

"God, what did I get myself into?" Steve mocked, letting out a deep exhale as one of the pups wiggled into an uncomfortable spot. Well, an uncomfortable spot for Steve.

"Please," Bucky good-humoredly scoffed, "You're one of the most stubborn people I've met. They definitely get that from you."

Steve smiled and rubbed his bump, "Yeah, they sure did."

Letting out a deep exhale, Bucky set the screwdriver down and shook the crib. Just as he had the other one. Just as he had with all of their kids' beds. When it was determined sturdy, Bucky moved it over to the wall where it was going to be stationed.

Hands on his hips as he tried to even out his breaths, "They're good kids though. Must get that from you."

Steve rolled his eyes while his cheeks heated. After nine years of being together, Steve expected to not be so bashful when his mate complimented him. Especially when it was in regard to their children. Especially when it wasn't a new compliment. Yet, there he was blushing like some schoolboy with a crush.

Crossing the room to get the third crib, Bucky leaned down to kiss Steve's forehead before the omega tipped his head back to share a kiss on the lips. Bucky smiled into the kiss and brought his wrist up to mark over Steve's thirty week bump. All the while, the triplets wiggled about. Wiggled just enough for Bucky to feel them.

"Okay, my room's clean!" Oliver yelled as he and Tony raced for the nursery.

Bucky gave Steve one more kiss before opening the third crib box. Oliver rushed into the room with his best friend on his heels. Catching his breath as he looked between his fathers expectantly. For a moment, the men just continued with their tasks. Bucky removing the crib parts from the box and Steve folding the tiny baby clothes.


Steve and Bucky looked over at their son a little startled by the outburst. It even caused one – or all – of the triplets to start hiccupping. Sighing, Steve rubbed over his jerking bump and looked over at Bucky. The alpha agreed, "You can stay the night."

In victory, Oliver lifted his arms above his head before giving his friend a double high-five. Steve shook his head, but the smile stayed on his face. With his high-tech cellphone, Tony started texting his parents.

Making sure that all the crib parts were there, Bucky asked, "Do I need to drive or are they picking you up?"

"Picked up," Tony confirmed while Oliver beamed, "We're going to the comic book store."

Once the eight year olds were out of the room, Bucky exaggerated a pout as he mocked himself, "Going to the comic book store without me?"

Balling up a pair of little socks, Steve tossed them at Bucky and lovingly teased his husband, "Nerd."

Catching the socks, Bucky affectionately winked at Steve, causing the omega to blush. Through the bond, there was nothing but love. Even as they quietly went back to their tasks. Working independently, but occasionally looking over at one another and exchanging fond grins. Steve knew that when he looked at Bucky, he saw his future; and Steve knew that Bucky saw the same.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now