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On the fifth day of Hanukkah and Christmas Eve, the Barneses gathered at Steve and Bucky's house. Which admittedly, was a relief to the pregnant omega. After all, being twenty-five weeks pregnant with triplets was a lot more taxing than he could've imagined. Especially on his naturally petite frame.

"Dammit, Becks," Bucky complained as he lost at dreidel again. Watching as his twin gathered the last of his gelt, he stood from his spot on the floor in front of the coffee table and decided, "That's it, I'm done."

"Oh, c'mon, James," Becca teased, "Don't want to be a sore sport."

"Sore sport, my ass," Bucky good-humoredly scoffed. Groaning as he stretched, he took a seat on the sectional sofa beside Steve. Soothingly marking over Steve's large baby bump. Leaning over, he asked, "Want me to get you anything?"

Shaking his head, Steve covered his mouth as he yawned. On the other side of the sectional sofa, Winnie suggested, "Perhaps we should open presents."

"Yay!" Kit cheered from his bebe's lap.

She let the toddler down and smiled at how excited all the little kids seemed to be. Meanwhile, the middle kids knew that it wasn't a toy present day. But it was tradition, and it was still a present, so they were appeased as long as they kept getting gelt from their grandfathers.

George picked up the tote bag that they had brought that held the gifts. Idly, Steve wondered what pattern these pajamas would have. Wondering if the pants would match the top or be blue flannel. Hoping that they wouldn't be footie one-pieces considering just how out of proportion he was this holiday season compared to all the others.

As the wrapped boxes were distributed to the correct member, Steve admired the wrapping paper. The shiny pastel blue wasn't anything special, but Kit seemed to like it too as he smoothed his hand over the slippery paper.

"Is that everyone?" Dum Dum asked, always eager to open presents just like the little kids.

"Where's Greg's?" Silas teased.

"Don't get him started," Steve pleaded as he saw Bucky light up with the thought of getting their once-upon-a-garage cat a matching sweater. Scratching the old cat's head, Steve assured, "It's okay, I won't let him."

Childishly sticking his tongue out at his mate, Bucky claimed, "You're no fun."

"Okay! Open them!" Bubbe Ruth announced, causing the rest of the family to open their gifts.

Aunt Cecilia had hers opened first and gushed, "These are adorable!"

When Steve finally got his opened, he realized that they were pajamas to be colored. The white long sleeve tees had a simple design with four dreidels and hollow letters spelling out, "Happy Hanukkah." And Steve immediately wanted to get to work with decorating and customizing his with the included fabric markers.

Bucky spoke the words that Steve was thinking, "These are so cool!"

"See, I told you," Nana Bella playfully swatted at her daughter-in-law.

All the while, Winnie beamed. Clearly glad that she had picked out a good pair. After all, no one wanted a repeat of the one-piece that Dum Dum picked out that – through a mishap of the clothing design – had a poorly placed menorah on the crotch, drawing the eye there. So, clearly anything would've been a step up.

"Papa, we color now?" Kit asked, climbing over Grandpa Walter to ask Steve.

"Yeah, bub, we can color," Steve allowed, holding his hand out for the pack of fabric markers so he could open them. Using his teeth to open the package, Steve instructed, "Go get the newspaper."

Eagerly, the toddler ran off through the kitchen to the mudroom where they kept the recycling. On the bench was a stack of old newspaper that Steve used for crafts with the boys, and he kept his focus on the little boy in the next room. Hoping that he didn't make a mess with gathering the item.

Just as Steve was thinking about calling out, Kit ran back to the living room and threw the weathered papers onto the floor. Scooting down the chaise, Steve started unfolding the newspapers. Leaning – and hoping not to fall – over, Steve laid them out. Before he could do too much though, Bucky jumped in almost immediately and started laying them out.

"James," Steve warned, earning some good-humoredly teasing from their loved ones.

Mainly from Dum Dum as he made the sound of a whip. Not that Bucky cared, but it did earn some mock-scandalized, ooh's, from the group.

Nevertheless, Bucky helped set up the station while Steve broke down the gift box and shoved it inside the pajama top so the fabric markers wouldn't bleed through. In his youth, Steve had been burned many a times when he would decorate a class shirt, only to forget that the ink stained. He'd ruined a lot more than just shirts though, he was positive that Sarah was never able to remove the stain from Steve's sophomore year of high school.

And with Kit being a toddler who was just learning how markers worked, it was better to be safe than sorry. With Kit flopping down on the floor on top of the crinkly newspaper, the other kids decided that they wanted to join in too.

As the kids – and most of the adults – colored in their letters and dreidels, Steve wrapped himself up in one of the throws that Zayde Harold had given them for his passing and settled further into the sofa. Feeling so very loved with his family laughing at The Muppet Christmas Carol and singing along with it too. And when he drifted off to sleep, the last thing that Steve could think was how he wanted them to stay that way always. And since this was the ninth year Steve had been a part of the Barnes family, he could find comfort in the fact that they would.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now