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The following Sunday, they decided to share the news. After all, Steve wasn't getting any smaller. And as much as he adored his husband, Steve knew that the alpha could only keep something this big from his family for so long. The timeframe in which was quickly running out. No matter how many times Bucky assured Steve that he could keep his excitement under control.

"Do you think they're gonna notice?" Bucky asked, helping Kit into his, Big Brother, sweatshirt. The same one that both Oliver and Finn were wearing.

"Are you kidding?" Steve good-naturedly scoffed as he made sure his own sweatshirt with three small pair of feet printed on his abdomen hung right on his frame. However, with his ever-growing bump, it didn't fit as well as it did when he ordered it. "Your family is going to notice before I even fully take off my coat."

Chuckling, Bucky kissed Kit's cheek and gladly accepted the slobbery kiss in return. Crouching in front of the toddler, Bucky let him mark him with his underdeveloped scent glands. He had to learn how to lovingly mark somehow, and the best way kids learned was by mimicking their parents.

"Do I have to wear this dorky sweater?" Oliver asked, expression one of annoyance and dislike.

"It's not dorky," Steve tenderly reprimanded, giving Bucky a pointed look since the alpha himself had said similar things about certain items of clothing. Bucky just bashfully ducked his head to hide his smile, Steve rolled his eyes and ruffled Oliver's hair, "You look handsome. Just like always."

"Papa," Oliver groaned, affectionately pushing Steve's hand away with the apples of his freckled cheeks turning pink. Muttering, "You always say that."

"Because it's always true," Steve assured, tipping Oliver's chin up, so he could kiss the little boy's forehead before checking the clock. Heading down the hallway, Steve knocked on the boys' bathroom door, "You almost done in there, cookie?"

"Almost!" Finn called and Steve heard the toilet flush. A moment later, the sink was heard, and Steve turned back for the living room.

Passing the boys' bedroom, Greg sat in the doorway and tipped her head back to yowl at Steve. Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve crouched and pet her, teasing, "Should've gotten you a, Big Sister, shirt, huh?"

"That would've been so cute!" Bucky gushed, meanwhile Greg's meow told them that she definitely didn't agree.

"Don't worry," Steve assured as Greg rubbed up against him, "I'd never do that."

"You're both no fun," Bucky mockingly accused, helping Steve stand at his full height.

As Finn rushed around them towards the living room, Steve stopped him and said, "Finley Nathaniel, put your glasses on. Do you want your eyesight to get worse?"

And Steve could swear that for a second he was possessed with his mother's ghost because, hello, didn't that sound familiar.

"No," the little boy groaned in annoyance before turning around and entering the boys' bedroom.

Helping Kit into his jacket, Steve was pleased to find the five year old return wearing his pair of blue glasses. Steve ruffled Finn's darkening auburn curls and complimented, "There's my handsome boy. Isn't it so much better when you can see?"

Rolling his eyes, Finn said with all the attitude that he had been adopting from his brother and cousins, "I guess."

I guess, Steve and Bucky mouthed to each other, rolling their own eyes as they privately, good-humoredly mocked their child. Shrugging on his own jacket, Steve let Bucky help. After all, he was pregnant with triplets. Already his bump was the size it had been at fifteen weeks when he was pregnant with Oliver.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now