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Eyelids too heavy to open and body too weak, Steve was only half-aware that he existed.  Just barely.  Not knowing where he was.  Knowing that he was somewhere.  Not home.  Not in his bed.  Then, the quiet electronic beeping of a monitor caught his attention.  Just the steady, beep, beep, beep.

            The next thing he noticed was the feel of a calloused thumb rubbing over the back of his hand.  He'd recognize that hand anywhere.  Bucky.  His heart gave a stutter at the mere thought of his husband and the monitor made it audible.  Overflowing with love when he thought about his mate.  His kind, patient spouse and the phenomenal father of their children.  God, he loved him.

            "C'mon, Stevie," Bucky softly pleaded, "I can't do this without you."

            Thickly swallowing and wincing at how sore it was, Steve forced his eyelids to lift.  Still too weak, but he needed Bucky to know that he was alright.  Fatigued, Steve squeezed the hand that held his.  It wasn't much, but it was enough, and Bucky instantly crowded him.  Pulling him close as he openly cried.  Bucky's tears wetting his hair and the shoulder of his hospital gown.

            Lifting his arm, Steve lightly patted Bucky's back as he gravelly teased, "You couldn't get rid of me, even if you wanted to."

            Which was exactly the wrong thing to say as Bucky pulled back to look at Steve.  There was fear and anger and so much love swirling around in his eyes, that Steve was mesmerized. Fiercely, Bucky informed, "I'm getting a vasectomy.  I'm never putting you in this situation again."

            "You don't gotta do that," Steve assured.

            Shaking his head, Bucky said, "Birth control isn't 100% effective, and neither are condoms.  Hell, over half our kids were conceived on both of those.  I'm not going to lose you.  If you want more kids, we'll adopt.  But I'm not losing you."

            And really, who was Steve to dictate what his husband did with his own body.  So, he encouraged, "Just wait until I can move around more, yeah?"

            "God, you're such a goddamn fucking punk," Bucky cried, burying his face in the crook of Steve's neck.  Kissing Steve's mating scar, Bucky left his lips there as he reminded, "I love you so fucking much."

            Marking his distraught bonded, Steve confirmed, "I love you too."

            For a moment, Steve just held Bucky.  Knowing that he probably would've lost his mind if the roles were reversed.  And with that knowledge, Steve let Bucky scent him unabashedly.  Letting his mate find comfort in his scent because Steve knew it was what Bucky needed, and he was more than willing to give him that.

            "Where are the girls?"  Steve asked, still rubbing Bucky's back.

            Pulling back, Bucky gestured to the front of the room, "Sleeping."

            Worrying his lower lip, "Can I see them?"

            "Of course," Bucky softly chuckled, wiping his eyes as he crossed the room to bring the bassinets over to Steve's bed.  Steve tried to sit up, but Bucky told him, "Don't move, I'll get the nurse."

            "I'm fine," Steve attempted to wave off his husband's concern.

            "You almost bled to death," Bucky harshly reminded, "So, you're gonna wait for the damn nurse."

            Feeling Bucky's fear and sorrow, Steve decided not to argue.  After all, Bucky had a point.  So, instead, Steve relaxed back in the bed while Bucky pressed the nurse's call button.  Wanting to lighten the mood, Steve weakly teased, "You're sexy when you're bossy."

            A soft smile tugged at Bucky's lips, and he leaned into kiss Steve.  Not long after, a friendly nurse entered the room with a large smile, "Well, good afternoon!  How're you feeling?"

            "Fine," Steve answered, "I'd like to sit up a little though."

            "Of course," the nurse agreed as he took his vitals.  Once those turned out to be stable, the nurse raised the back of the bed to a gentle slope.  As he walked to the door, he reminded, "Just hit the button if you need me."

            "We will," Steve assured while Bucky said, "Thank you."

            Alone with their sleeping daughters, Steve sat a little straighter in hopes of seeing the triplets before Bucky picked one of them up.  Wearing the sage green footie pajamas that were definitely too big for her tiny body, Bucky placed her in Steve's eager arms.

            "Hi," Steve smiled, tears building in his eyes as he gazed down at one of his daughters.  Tenderly fixing the matching sage green hat, revealing that she had the same dark hair that her brothers and dad had.  As he stroked his fingertip down the side of her face, her eyes opened, revealing Bucky's eyes.

            "Hi, sweetie," Steve sniffled.  Still looking down at her, Steve asked, "Which one is she?"

            "I, uh," Bucky deeply exhaled as he confessed, "I didn't name them yet."

            Steve's brows furrowed, "Why not?"

            "Well," Bucky lifted another one, "We need to think of a third name."

            "I guess," Steve marked the baby in his arms.  After thinking about it for a moment, he decided, "We can still go with Cori.  It could be short for... for..."

            Sitting on the side of the bed with the other two babies, Bucky playfully prompted, "For...?"

            Thinking about the last show that the pair had been watching, Steve excitedly suggested, "Cordelia."

            Grinning, Bucky nodded and confirmed, "Cordelia.  Although, I wouldn't be opposed to, 'Buffy,' either."

            "Cordelia Cecilia Barnes," Steve smiled down at the baby in his arms.  She blinked up at him and more tears built in his eyes.  Especially when her little hand wrapped around his finger as he said, "Nice to meet you."

            Maneuvering the other two so they were resting their feet against his stomach, Bucky looked over them.  Then, slightly lifted the girl wearing the pastel pink footie pajamas, "This one is definitely Bitsy.  She's the spitting image of Bubbe Elizabeth."

            Looking over the three girls, Steve gave his husband a pointed look, "They're identical triplets."

            "Not entirely identical," Bucky argued, lifting the one in the purple footie pajamas, "She has your eyes."

            Melting, Steve tilted his face up for a kiss and was thankful that Bucky instantly did.  Steve smiled as he looked over the three and confirmed, "Then, she'll be Nevie.  Geneva Winifred Barnes."

            Bucky kissed the top of Steve's head as he went down the line, "Geneva Winifred Barnes, Elizabeth Sarah Barnes, and Cordelia Cecilia Barnes."

            Smiling, Steve rested his head on Bucky's shoulder.  Just in awe of their perfect, beautiful daughters. With their Barnes genes clearly being the dominant – just like their brothers – they were perfect.  Steve just couldn't believe it.  Their daughters were there.  They had daughters to begin with.  And while there was always going to be that carved out spot for Flora, Steve could admit that now their family felt complete.  He could feel it in his bones.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now