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Soft cries came from the nursery and Steve reached for his glasses on his bedside table. Blinking himself awake, he noticed that three child-size lumps were in the king size bed. Not that he could fault his sons. He didn't want to be away from them either.

Of course, with them sleeping by him and on him in Finn's case, Steve found it difficult to actually climb out of bed so he could get to the girls. Unintentionally, Steve jostled the bed and gained Bucky's attention because he lifted his head off the pillow and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Baby's awake," Steve assured. With Kit on Bucky's chest sound asleep, he told his husband, "Go back to sleep."

And since Bucky hadn't gotten a goodnight sleep in the past week that they were in the hospital, he slumped back down on the bed. Steve smiled and marked over Finn's body at the foot of the bed before he left the room.

Still sore from the cesarean, Steve slowly made his way for the nursery. Beyond glad that he didn't have to go up any stairs to reach them. When he finally reached the nursery, he found Nevie awake. Her soft cries started getting louder the longer that she was left unattended, and Steve hoped that her sisters would remain sleeping. At least for a little bit.

Taking the newborn out of her crib, Steve carried her to the changing table and got her cleaned up. Once that was done, he lifted her to his chest and carried her out of the nursery.

In the living room, the light was on and dimmed. Winnie was in the kitchen, shaking one of the ready-to-feed bottles. While Steve and Bucky had told the older alpha that she didn't need to stay over, Steve couldn't help but be thankful that she was there. Especially when another baby started crying.

Thankfully, Winnie took Nevie and headed for the sofa where she had been sleeping. Steve gave her a small, tired smile before heading back into the nursery to get the next crying baby.

When Steve returned to the nursery, it wasn't just Cori anymore, it was Bitsy too. A little frazzled, Steve wasn't sure how to take care of them both by himself. Of course, just as he started crying himself, Bucky entered the nursery. He lifted Cori first since she was the loudest and handed her over to Steve.

Sniffling, Steve wiped his tears off his face and took Cori to the changing table so he could change her soiled diaper. And while she was now clean and fresh, her cries didn't lessen.

Yawning, Steve assured, "You're okay. Yeah, you're okay. Papa gets grumpy when he's hungry too."

Bucky snorted at that as he changed Bitsy. Playfully, Steve narrowed his eyes at his husband, but didn't try to argue since he was the one who said it. Instead, he carried the week old baby out to the living room. Winnie sat there on the sofa feeding Nevie while watching an infomercial for a special blender.

As Steve grabbed a formula bottle, he made sure to grab another one for Bucky. Shaking one of them, he handed it to the alpha when he entered the kitchen. Bucky accepted it and sweetly kissed Steve in return.

Finally giving Cori her meal, the newborn stopped crying. Contently she fed and Steve took a seat on the couch beside his husband. The three of them sat there feeding, burping, and soothing the girls. Each taking turns yawning and making comments about the infomercial.

"Five payments of $29.99?" Steve's brows furrowed, "I can go to the store and buy a better-made, cheaper blender right now."

"How is that a low price? Do they know what, 'low price,' means?" Bucky yawned, rubbing over Bitsy's back as she finished burping.

"Absolutely ridiculous," Winnie commented, swaying Nevie.

Once each of the triplets were back asleep, they carried them back to the nursery and decided to try and get some more sleep. With it being the girls' eighth day of life, they had a busy day ahead of them. Even though they couldn't be circumcised like their brothers, they were still going to have a naming ceremony.

While Steve went to enter the master bedroom, he noticed how Winnie was folding the bedding up. His brows furrowed and he checked the clock, it was seven in the morning. And since it was almost around the time he normally woke up, Steve decided to get around for his day.

Entering his bedroom, he collided with Kit who fell backwards onto his bum. Helping the toddler stand, he asked, "You alright, bub?"

Rubbing his tired eyes, he nodded, "'M hungry."

"Let me brush my teeth and I'll start breakfast, yeah?"

Kit nodded and exited the bedroom. While Steve rounded the corner to enter the ensuite, Bucky asked, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready," Steve explained, shrugging.

"You should be sleeping," Bucky yawned.

"I'll sleep later," Steve assured, but still rolled his eyes. Telling his husband, "You should get some more sleep though."

For a moment, Steve was sure that Bucky was going to argue with him. Thankfully though, the alpha agreed, "That's a good idea. I'm glad I married you."

Good-humoredly, Steve scoffed and shook his head watching as his mate went over to his side of the bed and plopped down. Immediately, Oliver rolled over and threw an arm over his father. Steve couldn't help but smile at that. When Bucky placed his hand over Oliver's, Steve's heart clenched hearing both of them purring in their content. Steve wished that it would always be like this.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now