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Valentine's Day was always a difficult day for Steve

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Valentine's Day was always a difficult day for Steve. Which was probably why Natasha planned the baby shower for the day after the romantic holiday and two days after the anniversary of Flora's birth. Insisting that it could bring some happiness into the holiday. And since Bucky was there encouraging this decision, Steve agreed.

However, when the day came around, the thirty-two weeks pregnant omega couldn't force himself out of bed. He had been there since Wednesday. Simply too exhausted in his own lingering heartache and sore from the triplets running out of room inside his womb.

"Do you want me to bring the party in here?" Natasha asked, pushing Steve's hair away from his face, just the way his mom used to. "Because I will."

Sighing, Steve shook his head and moved to sit up. Accepting Natasha's help as the redhead assisted him. Steve glanced to his best friend, "We're not playing games, are we? Because you know how much I loathe baby shower games."

"No games," Natasha promised. Using her finger to draw an invisible X over her heart as she reminded, "I wouldn't do that to you."

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Steve heaved a breath – perpetually exhausted – as he claimed, "Just wanted to make sure."

Playfully, Natasha rolled her eyes as she teased, "Who do you think I am?"

Instead of answering, Steve stood from the bed. Gesturing for his bump support belt on the chair. Instantly, she retrieved it and offered help. But Steve knew how he liked it, so he did it himself, but fully appreciated her kindness. Knowing that she'd make a good mom. Hoping that the adoption agency approved her and Carol.

As Steve got dressed, Natasha asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? Because you know I'm not going to force you."

"When else am I going to do this?" Steve pulled the soft red sweater over his large abdomen. "Bucky and Finn's birthday is next month, Laura and Clint's weddings in a couple of weeks, and the babies could be here any day."

"Hey," Natasha set her hands on her hips, "Those babies are gonna stay in there, full term, if I have to sew your cervix closed."

Rolling his eyes, Steve chuckled, "Thanks, Nattie."

"'Welcome, Stevie," Nat fondly smiled, following Steve out of the master bedroom.

Exiting the master bedroom, Steve paused. The living room and kitchen transformed as he remained in bed. Red, white, and pink balloon arches at the entryways. Heart streamers decoratively flowed from one end of the room to the other. It was, "Too much, Nat. You didn't have to do all this."

"I did," Natasha argued, leading Steve over to the sofa. Gesturing to the new dining room table – and where the delicious foods were temptingly set up – she asked, "In the mood for anything?"

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now