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"'You say it's your birthday,'" Becca greeted, entering Steve and Bucky's house, "'It's my birthday too, yeah!'"

"Do you have to sing that every year?" Bucky tossed his head back while his twin embraced him in a bear hug.

With a toothy grin on her face that matched her brother's, she insisted, "Every year until we die."

"I suppose I won't even find peace in the afterlife, huh?"

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and swatted his husband's bum so he wouldn't mention such things on his birthday. Pu, pu, pu. Bucky just smiled and rubbed his older sister's back. And when they parted, she picked up Finn to give the other birthday Barnes a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy birthday," Nana Bella wished her grandson. Tenderly, Bucky held her and made sure that she was steady on her cane before letting go to hug the next person.

The older woman took a seat beside Steve on the chaise and Steve asked, "How ya feelin' today, nana?"

"Fine, just fine," she easily answered with a comforting grin. As she looked over to the corner where Finn's birthday present was, she said, "Ya know, I was a piano teacher. I could probably show Finn a thing or two."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Steve declined, knowing that she wasn't in the best health with her rheumatoid arthritis twisting and gnarling her hands and causing her great pain.

"It's nothing, dear," Nana Bella assured. "In fact, I think it would be good for me."

Giving her hand a light, affectionate squeeze, Steve confirmed, "I think Finn would love that."

The older woman grinned and relaxed further in her seat. Only briefly though as her gaze shifted and she gasped, "Walter Alan Barnes, you know better!"

Directing his own attention to the oldest man in the room, he watched as he set Finn down. When Grandpa Walter straightened, he held at his back and tried to hide the pain breaking across his face. Steve could sympathize with him, knowing the pain that it would cause physically and mentally.

"CAKES HERE!" Aubrey called out as she entered the house holding a large pink box from their favorite bakery.

Hearing that, Kit instantly raced towards the kitchen, following his aunt with the cake. Steve simply chuckled and shook his head. Rubbing his hand over the bump, he paused. The triplets weren't squirming the way they normally did. Perhaps Steve was just paranoid, but his mind started trying to recall the last time he had felt the triplets move. Trying not to think about what this could be. He couldn't get anxious like that now. But when was the last time the triplets moved?!

Of course, trying to stay calm was easier said than done. Especially when his hormones were at an all time high. He was starting to panic; he could feel it. Through the bond, he could feel Bucky starting to get anxious and Steve knew that he should do those exercises that he learned from Dr. Strange. But how could he when he was starting to think that he had los–

Finally, a ripple moved through his abdomen and Steve inhaled deeply. After that first shift, more came from different places inside of him. Steve could finally breathe.

"You okay?" Bucky quietly asked, crouching down so he could look up at Steve on the sofa.

"I'm fine," Steve assured, marking over himself as he tried to calm at the triplets still moving. Explaining, "They were sleeping. I didn't feel them. But they were just sleeping."

Nodding, Bucky smiled and marked over Steve's large bump, "They're gonna be sleeping a lot. Trying to save up their energy."

His grin growing, Steve affectionately agreed, "Yeah, they do."

"When I was pregnant with George and Diana, they kicked each other more than they kicked me," Nana Bella laughed. Her bell-like voice calming Steve even more as she agreed, "Little ones need their sleep. It's not easy on them either. But it's worth it."

Steve could feel the tears building in his eyes, but he didn't mind. He only hoped that he was as lucky as the older relatives to be able to meet his great grandchildren one day. Until that moment though, he was okay with having his children like this: wild, free, and comfortable in their childishness.

Of course, with how Bucky stuck his tongue out at his sister, Steve could confirm that some people never truly grew out of their youth no matter how many candles were on their birthday cakes. And he wouldn't want it any other way.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now