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"Papa?" Finn asked while being tucked into bed.

"Hmm?" Steve hummed, making sure that the little boy was snug as a bug.

"How come Auntie Becks doesn't wanna be a gramma?"

Brows furrowing, Steve asked, "What makes you think that?"

"I heared her," Finn admitted, his little brows furrowed together.

Sighing, Steve sat down on the twin size bed. Placing his hands on top of Finn's, Steve assured, "It's not that Auntie Becks doesn't want to be a grandma. She's just scared."

"Why she ascared?"

"Because babies are a lot of work, cookie. Even when it's just one baby. And she's scared that Camila won't know what to do. Just like if we left Ollie or you or Kit in charge of the babies. Daddy and I would be afraid that you guys wouldn't know what to do."

Finn's little brows were still furrowed. But this time he looked determined as he argued, "I know what to do! Ollie does too!"

Smiling to himself, Steve amended, "Alright, it's like if we left Kit in charge." Gesturing over to the sleeping toddler in the other bed. "Do you think that he'd know what to do?"

Looking over at his younger brother, Finn's brow line smoothed as he shook his head and giggled, "No. Kit's too silly. He'd put the diaper on backwards."

Chuckling himself, Steve pushed the auburn curls off his face and playfully touched the tip of Finn's nose, "Yeah, he probably would."

Finn's giggles started tapering off as he yawned and asked, "Mealy is really going to be a mommy?"

"It seems so," Steve confirmed.

Then, Finn's brows furrowed again as he tried to add everything up in his mind. "Bebe is going to be a bubbe?"

Steve's brows furrowed at that, "What do you mean?"

"Bubbe is bebe's mommy, and bebe is Auntie Beck's mommy. And Auntie Becks is Mealy's mommy. If Auntie Becks is a bebe now, bebe is a bubbe."

Amused and intrigued by the six year old's way of thinking, Steve supposed that it did make sense for him to see it that way. Deciding, "I don't know, bub. Auntie Becks could be a bebe or a mimi or a gigi or even a bubbe. They're all just names that a grandma can be called."

"Oh," Finn yawned again.

Leaning over, Steve kissed his forehead, each cheek, tip of the nose, and chin. Wishing the little boy a good night's sleep, Steve reminded him, "Love you."

"Love you," Finn said, closing his eyes.

Taking off the blue frame glasses, Steve folded them and set them on the bedside table. Re-tucking the green plaid comforter in, he leaned over and kissed Finn's forehead once more. Crossing to the other bed, Steve kissed a snoozing Kit before leaving their room.

Meeting in the hall, Steve and Bucky exchanged a quick, sweet kiss. Then, Steve entered Ollie's room and Bucky entered Finn and Kit's. Finding the eight year old already tucked in bed and rolled onto his side.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Steve started re-tucking Oliver out of habit. Oliver nodded and so did Steve. Leaning over, Steve kissed his forehead and asked, "Got your lovey?"

"Papa," Oliver rolled his eyes, "I'm too big for a baby toy."

Steve's brows furrowed, "You always sleep with it though."

"Not always," Oliver argued, and yawned.

"Fine," Steve sighed, getting emotional that his baby was no longer a baby. He both hated and loved that. Giving the eight year old one more goodnight kiss, he headed for the door and paused at the nightlight. "Are you too big to have the nightlight on?"

Oliver gave him a look and sarcastically asked, "What do you think?"

Steve held his hands up in surrender and wished the little boy, "Sleep tight, honey. I love you."

"Love you," Ollie yawned.

As Steve closed the door, he could hear Oliver's little footsteps and the click of turning the nightlight on. His chest clenched at that. His little guy was trying to grow up so fast, and considering how fast the past eight years had flown by, Steve wished that it would just slow. Just for a moment. Just so his eight year old could enjoy being an eight year old. Because sooner than any of them were prepared, he'd be eighteen and leaving to start the world on his own. After all, Steve had done so when he was that age.

Standing side-by-side, Steve and Bucky went through their own nightly routines. When Steve removed his contact lenses, Bucky asked, "Are we old?"

"Yeah," Steve chuckled, "Why do you think I call you, 'old man?'"

"No, be serious."

Pushing his thick lens glasses up his nose, Steve looked over at his husband. Bucky was still as handsome as the day he met him, if not more so. His body was still in shape. Sure, he wasn't as fit as he once had been, but Steve couldn't deny how his own body had changed with age and having children.

"Objectively, we are older," Steve reasoned. "But I think growing old in general is a blessing. Growing old together, even more so."

Relaxing with the omega's answer, Bucky snaked his arms around Steve's waist and teased, "And here I was thinking that I was the sap in this relationship."

"You are," Steve snorted, lifting his arms so he could properly hold his mate. Kissing the mating bite on the crook of Bucky's neck, Steve assured, "And it's one of the things I love about you."

"I love you too," Bucky reminded, kissing him on the lips. Lifting Steve and earning a squeal from the naturally petite man. Setting him back down on the ground, Bucky grinned down at him and pushed the graying blond strands away from Steve's face, "I can't wait to keep growing old with you."

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now