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"You really don't have to go," Oliver assured, leaning against the bathroom doorframe. Already dressed in his blue uniform, completed with his cleats, focusing on his soccer ball rather than Steve.

Not that Steve could blame him. He didn't even want to focus on himself as he knelt over the toilet. The good news though was that Steve was in his fourteenth week, so his morning sickness should be lessening soon. Which was something that Steve was definitely looking forward to. Especially when his larger than normal bump was hell on his knees.

Spiting, Steve wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet. Closing the lid, he told his oldest, "I'm gonna be there. I haven't missed a single game since you started, and I'm not gonna miss one now. Triplets or no."

Rolling his eyes, Oliver gave him an out, "I'm just sayin'..."

"I'm going," Steve defiantly repeated, then shoved his toothbrush into his mouth. The, end of discussion, implied as he aggressively brushed his teeth.

"Fine," Oliver sighed, bending over to pick up the soccer ball and bouncing it on his knees in the master bedroom. Pausing his movements, Oliver said, "Might want to tell dad though. He's trying to get Aunt Tibby to take me to the game."

Annoyed, Steve made as much noise as possible as he spit the foaming dregs into the sink and rinsed his toothbrush. As much as he loved his husband, Steve assumed that Bucky would know not to treat him so delicately. Especially since he was carrying triplets. Sadie claimed that made him a superhero. And frankly, he'd rather be thought of as a superhero than some fragile little omega.

"James!" Steve called, rushing down the hallway with Oliver hot on his heels. Occasionally kicking the soccer ball into his heels, causing Steve to turn back and glare at him. It only took two times for the eight year old to get the point. "James Buchanan Barnes, I swear to all that is holy, if you are trying to keep me home, I will make sure that Greg loves me more than you!"

Instead of trying to deny it, Bucky looked over at Oliver and said, "You were supposed to reassure him."

"Hey, I tried," Oliver shrugged and started dribbling the ball between his feet.

Shaking his head, Bucky tried to appease Steve. Emphasis on, tried. "Stevie, you hardly got any sleep last night and have spent the past hour hugging the toilet."

"It was not an hour," Steve argued, crossing his arms along his chest, over top of his bump.

"Not the point," Bucky chopped an apple into slices, "You know that sometimes things come up. This is one of those things."

"I have never missed a game and I refuse to start now," Steve defied, ready to fight his husband.

"Fine," Bucky caved, slicing another apple. "But you're bringing a sweater."

Narrowing his eyes, Steve agreed to the conditions, "Fine."

So, instead of Oliver carpooling with his aunt and uncle and cousins, they all piled into the minivan. Steve held onto his jacket instead of wearing it. Despite the weather starting to get cooler with autumn right around the corner, Steve was having awful hot flashes. Another perk of pregnancy.

Thankfully, the soccer field wasn't far from their house and Bucky pulled into a parking spot close to the lot designated for Oliver's team, but was also close to the restrooms and concession stand. As the family climbed out of their van, Steve spotted Tibby carrying a cooler while Silas pushed the twins' stroller. Running ahead of them, Jeremiah's short corkscrew coils happily bounced about while the headband kept the hair from his face.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now