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As Steve finished his third corndog, a late teammate rushed onto the field and a chorus of, "Tony!" came from the children sitting on the sideline. And sure enough, setting up her chair beside Steve, was none other than Maria Stark, former wife of inventor, engineer, and founder of Stark Industries. The very company that made advanced robotic prosthetics for wounded veterans. Which Steve always found ironic considering the company was notorious for having a contract with the government and made the most dangerous military weapons.

But Steve liked Maria and the way she remained humble and grounded and wanted to raise her son the same way that she was. It made it easier to be friends with his son's best friend's parent knowing that their parenting tactics were similar. Even if she was hardly ever on time for anything.

"How's the litter today?" Maria good-naturedly teased, finding her own humor more amusing than Steve did. Of course, that was probably because this was the greeting the beta woman had defaulted to ever since they announced that they were expecting triplets.

"Craving corndogs," Steve happily answered. As Bucky went to stand to get Steve another corndog, Steve reached over and placed his hand on his husband's; his tell that that wasn't a hint for Bucky to go get more.

"When do you go to find out the sexes?"

Marking his bump, Steve dramatically sighed, "Not until next month."

"You'll have to tell us once you find out," Maria played around on her phone, bringing up the camera so she could record the rest of the game.

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?" Bucky curiously asked, playing with Finn and Kit.

"We've got a bet going," Tibby nonchalantly answered, bouncing Zoey on her lap.

Bucky theatrically feigned hurt and exclaimed, "My own baby sister, using our lives to make money."

"What're the odds?" Steve asked, craning his neck since he couldn't really lean over Bucky to look at her.

"Ten to two that you're having all boys again," Silas answered, setting Stella back in the Pack 'n Play.

"And what about girls?" Steve curiously questioned only to be met with laughter. Even Bucky laughed. Out of pure spite Steve hoped that they had all girls. Looking down at his bump, he hoped that he and the unborn pups had a truce: they be girls, and Steve would have another corndog or two.

Returning his attention to the game, he watched as the little kids ran around the field. Some players being better than others. Glad to see that all the practice Oliver put in both on and off the field had paid off, making the enthusiastic eight year old one of the best players. Of course, Steve had broken vases and that one broken window as proof that all he did was play with the damn –

Seeing Oliver attack a player from the other team, Steve pushed himself from his chair and started across the field. Everyone frozen except for the two boys rolling around on the ground, and the adults rushing for them. Thankfully, Bucky was faster than he was and was there before Steve even made it halfway.

"Oliver Thomas Barnes, what the hell are you doing?" Bucky reprimanded as he lifted their son off the other boy.

Still trying to maul the other boy who was gushing blood from his nose, Oliver sneered, "He called Jeremiah a, 'stupid ape!'"

The adults' mouths dropped open in their surprise. While none of them figured Oliver knew what it meant – hell, Steve doubted that the little boy who said it knew fully of what it meant – it was still said about a biracial boy.

"Please, that's ridiculous," the injured player's mother scoffed, pulling her son to her chest.

"My son's not a liar," Steve defended, clenching his jaw so he wouldn't say something he could regret later.

"No, your son is a danger!" The mother exaggerated.

Narrowing his eyes at the woman, Steve took a step towards her. Ready to take this matter into his own hands. The more levelheaded out of the pair, Bucky asked the referee, "What do we do now?"

"Expulsion for the rest of the game," the man reluctantly answered.

Oliver stopped trying to fight Bucky's hold, and Steve gritted his teeth. Although he was glad that Oliver wanted to stand up for others, he knew that his son needed to learn that there were consequences for actions. One of those being him being expelled from the game. Even if Steve felt the tackle was justified.

The way the woman smelled so smug though made Steve want to tackle her to the ground since her brat was the only reason why his son fought in the first place. Of course, then the referee clarified, "Expulsion for both players."

And Steve couldn't help but feel a little smug at that. Even turning and crossing the field with a little more bounce in his step while the woman argued with the referee. Instead of returning to his seat, he headed for the concession stand. Deciding that since he hadn't pummeled that boy's mother into the vivid green grass, he deserved a sweet treat. He was thinking –

Ooh! A, 'Walking S'more!'

As he ordered, Oliver joined him in line. Not meeting Steve's eyeline as he kicked at the ground. Finally understanding what his mom went through with him, Steve decided to treat the situation as she would've.

Wrapping his arm around Oliver's slumped shoulders, Steve asked, "Ya in the mood for anything?"

Shrugging, Oliver suggested, "Cotton candy?"

"Sure," Steve agreed, adding that to his order. Glancing down at his son, he decided, "But I want some."

"Deal," Oliver gave Steve a small smile.

Once they got their treats, Steve led Oliver the long way around. "Ya know, I was like you." When Oliver looked up at him, Steve continued, "Got into fights. Stuck up for others."

"What'd mimi do?" Oliver asked, shoving a piece of his blue cotton candy into his mouth.

"She told me, 'Do no harm; take no shit,'" Steve answered. Glancing at Oliver, he continued, "That means that you're not allowed to start fights, but if you're sticking up for what's right, your dad and I might let it slide."

Looking at his cotton candy, Oliver broke a piece off. Instead of putting it into his own mouth though, he lifted it, holding it out for Steve. Accepting it, Steve smiled down at his son. He was growing up so fast, just as every kid did. So, Steve held him just a little tighter. Knowing that he was a good kid. Hoping that he'd grow to be a good man.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now