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"What about Mack?" Bucky asked as he pulled on a clean t-shirt.

Trying to squeeze into his biggest pair of pants, Steve had to pause so he could catch his breath. Putting his hand on his hips, he decided, "I think we should wait to pick out names until we learn the sexes."

Slightly shocked since they had been playing that game since Oliver was in the womb, Bucky nodded and agreed, "Okay. That sounds like a good idea."

"Thank you," Steve started with his pants again. The large elastic band of the paternity pants not fitting over his much larger than usual baby bump, even at twenty-two weeks. Annoyed, Steve decided to just pull on a larger shirt, one that would cover any skin that might show. Knowing that he'll have to buy some new clothes for the rest of his pregnancy.

Sighing, Steve planned, "After the appointment, we need to go shopping."

"Okay," Bucky confirmed. As Steve took a seat on their bed to rest after the struggle getting dressed was, Bucky suggested, "I can go look at the house. Send you pictures? Then swing by and pick you up for your appointment."

"No, I need to see the house in person," Steve insisted. "Feel its energy, all that jazz."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Bucky accepted his husband's hand and allowed him to help him off the bed.

Steve had figured that being pregnant with triplets would make him grow bigger than he was used to, but he didn't know that he'd appear full-term at twenty-two weeks. Of course, he guessed that he was lucky since he had always been relatively small compared to other omegas. He just knew that he wasn't prepared for the next fourteen weeks. Well, eighteen if he was being optimistic, but Dr. Cho was setting a delivery goal for thirty-six weeks.

"We should pick up some hotdogs and peanut butter," Steve said, licking his lips and rubbing his bump.

"I'll try to remember," Bucky assured, kissing Steve's forehead, learning long ago not to question Steve's pregnancy cravings.

Pursing his lips, Steve was glad that Bucky leaned down to press a kiss to his lips since he couldn't stand on his tiptoes anymore. Waddling out of the room and down the hallway, Steve entered the living room. Making sure that Oliver and Finn were ready for school, and making sure that Kit was ready to spend the day with his aunt.

When they were all ready, Bucky ushered the kids out to the van and helped Steve into the passenger seat. As much as it normally would annoy Steve, he was at his breaking point where he just didn't care about it anymore. If Bucky wanted to take care of him, Steve was going to let him. Hell, if Bucky wanted to carry him, Steve would probably let him.

"Have a good day at school, honey," Steve called as Oliver climbed out of the back, "Love you!"

Shrugging on his backpack, Oliver rushed, "Love you too!"

Dropping Finn off at kindergarten, Steve got a kiss on his cheek and told him, "Have a good day, cookie! Love you!"

"Love you!" Finn repeated, taking Bucky's hand as the man led him to the school to check him in and tell them that Finn's aunt would be picking him up after school.

As Steve and Kit sat in the van, Kit asked, "Papa, when I go school?"

"Soon enough, sunshine," Steve reached behind himself to mark Kit's foot. Repeating, "Soon enough."

While Steve switched the radio station, Bucky climbed in behind the steering wheel. Turning to face the toddler, Bucky asked, "You ready to have fun with Auntie Tibbs?"

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now