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"I look like a pumpkin," Steve quietly complained as he looked over himself in the burnt orange groomsmen suit.

"Cutest pumpkin anyone has ever seen," Natasha tried to help.

Operative word being tried.

Trying to work with what he had, he unbuttoned the jacket. What he was soon realizing was that he didn't have enough to work with. His abdomen was stretched to hell, the triplets took turns sleeping on his bladder and kicking at his ribs, and a groomsmen suit that made him look like he wasn't only smuggling a gourd under his clothing but that he was made of one too. Sighing, Steve buttoned the jacket and decided the best way to deal with this was to just pretend that it didn't exist.

Mirrors were now his enemy and he decided that he didn't want to see what his reflection had to show.

Looking over Natasha in her burnt orange silk bridesmaid dress. Natasha didn't look like a pumpkin. Of course, that was probably because Nat looked good in everything. Especially when the bridesmaid dress had been tailored to compliment the natural curves of her body.

"I should just go home," Steve huffed, taking a seat on the hotel bed.

"You're already here, babe," Natasha reminded. "And you and I both know that you'd regret that decision if you did. Besides, you're stunning."

Rolling his eyes, Steve flopped onto his back and complained, "You have to say that. You're my best friend."

"Correction," Natasha took his hands and pulled him up so he was sitting. "I get to say that because I'm lucky enough to be your best friend. And because it's true. Bucky isn't going to be able to take his eyes off you."

"Well, that doesn't mean anything," Steve good-naturedly scoffed, "There's a reason why we have so many kids."

"Gross," Natasha teased.

With a knock at the door, Steve extended his arms and wiggled his fingers so Natasha would help him off the bed. Doing as requested, Natasha carefully pulled Steve up and made sure that he was steady on his feet before turning to get the door.

Waddling close behind, the pair was greeted with the Maid of Honor and Laura's cousin, Crystal. Informing, "We're making our way downstairs."

"Great," Natasha smiled and led them out of the room. Making sure to keep her steps even with Steve's, she purposely ignored the annoyed look he gave her.

As the trio rode down in the elevator in companionable silence, Steve could feel his triplets getting more restless the more anxious he got. Hoping that people wouldn't make fun of him. Hoping that he wouldn't look too awful in the pictures. Hoping that his swollen feet didn't hurt too much when he stood up there. The last thing he wanted was to draw more attention to himself. Especially on his friend's big day.

Once they reached the lobby and arrived where the rest of the wedding party was waiting, Laura's mom downed one mimosa and held onto another one. Raising the full one, she started, "A toast. To my oldest. A true romantic and the last to get married. May you be happier than your siblings in their failed marriages."

Steve exchanged a look with Natasha. Laura's mom wasn't done though.

"We used to say, 'always the bridesmaid, never –" hiccup "– the bride.' But you proved us wrong, baby! You finally found someone to settle."

Steve clenched his jaw while he fisted his hands at his sides. Hollowly, Laura laughed. Probably trying to keep her intoxicated mom happy. And Steve vowed that he'd never talk to his children that way. Even now, when he teased them, it wasn't mean with venomous words that exploited their insecurities. Steve would rather go deaf, blind, and mute than ever even think one bad word about his children, so he couldn't understand how Laura's mother was so nonchalant about her true, awful feelings.

"Alright," Phil Coulson, the wedding planner, tried to ignore the toast and clapped his hands, "Laura, you go first, then the rest of the party followed by the groom. Let's line up."

So, that was what they did. Laura's cousin taking up the rear, then Natasha, then Steve. Clint's brother, Barney, held his arm out for Steve. Graciously, Steve smiled and took it. Hoping that he wasn't clinging too harshly on the tall, slender older man, but wasn't sure if he was succeeding.

At the go-ahead, Steve and Barney made their way down the aisle. And as Steve soon found out, there was a chair off to the side, waiting for him. When they parted, Steve eased his heavily pregnant self down onto the chair.

However, once he was seated, his son found that as the okay to race over to him to try and sit on his lap. Steve shook his head but let Kit climb onto his lap. Smoothing down his floppy brown hair as he tried to keep the little boy quiet as Natasha and Crystal took their places beside Laura.

Kit wasn't the most well-behaved pup and the two year old reached out for his godmother. Natasha smiled over at him, but her attention didn't stay on him long as everyone stood to see the groom make his own way down the aisle.

Removing a tissue from his pocket, Steve dabbed at his eyes. Although he wasn't that close to Clint, he was still moved. Not even sure if he could blame it on the extra hormones because he was always a crier when it came to weddings. Especially when the couple seemed so deeply in love with each other.

And as cliché as it was, Steve glanced over to Bucky. The alpha was standing with the rest of the attendees, but as if he could feel Steve watching him, turned to lock eyes with his husband. A dopey grin formed on Bucky's face, and he winked at Steve. Just like the first time and every other time after, Steve blushed.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now