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"You know, you guys really have the perfect timing for moving," Sam teased as he set down a box in the living room.

From the kitchen, Steve shrugged, "We wanted to move before the holidays."

"That might be all well and good," Sam argued, "But it's snowing."

Steve shook his head, but the smile stayed on his face. To ruffle his friend's feathers even further, he joked, "Something to put in your next best-selling novel."

"You're the worst."

Moving on to unpack the next box, Steve simply rolled his eyes. Knowing that his friend didn't mind. Especially not when his kids were old enough to help out, unlike the first go around when Steve was pregnant with Oliver. Speaking of Oliver...

The eight year old came barreling into the kitchen and asked, "Can Tony spend the night?"

Taken aback, Steve just blinked for a moment before he asked, baffled, "What?"

Raising his voice and enunciating the way he would when Steve didn't have his hearing aids in or had the volume set too low, "Can. Tony. Spend. The. Night?"

"I heard you the first time, you dork," Steve playfully rolled his eyes. "But no, Tony can't stay tonight. We have too much to do and I don't need you two running around and getting into trouble."

"We won't," Oliver tried to argue.

Steve wasn't having any of it though, "I said, 'no.'"

"C'mon little man," Obi encouraged. And since Oliver looked up to the twenty year old, he eagerly agreed. "I'll help you set up your room."

"How does he do that?" Steve joked.

Meanwhile, Adanna complained, "Come home, they said. It'll be relaxing after a stressful semester, they said."

Steve smiled while her father turned it on her, "Have kids, they said. It'll be fun, they said."

Playfully, she rolled her eyes and a box down on the counter. As she turned to get more, Bucky called out, "That's everything."

"Are you sure?" Steve asked, just to make sure. Of course, when he thought about everyone who had helped, he decided that it did seem possible.

"Absolutely positive," Bucky confirmed. Entering the kitchen, he hugged Steve from behind. With Steve's large baby bump, they weren't able to hug each other as tight as they'd like while facing each other. But these types of hugs worked too. Especially when Bucky set his hands on the bump and was able to feel their babies moving.

"Who wants pizza?" Bucky asked, deciding to repay their loved ones in some way.

"Definitely me," Dum Dum said, plopping down on the newer, larger sectional sofa.

"What about you?" Bucky softly asked Steve while their friends and family decided on what toppings they wanted. "Does pizza sound good?"

"Pineapple, black olives, and anchovies should do it," Steve assured, giving Bucky's flesh hand a tender squeeze. "Ooh, and barbeque sauce instead of marinara."

"Gross, but alright," Bucky teased, kissing Steve's temple.

"Hey," Steve elbowed his husband in jest, "They're your kids. They're the weird ones."

"Are you two going to be so nauseatingly cute all night?" Natasha mocked.

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes while Bucky childishly stuck his tongue out at his childhood friend. Steve shrugged, "If you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have set us up. This –" Steve rubbed his baby bump "– is your fault."

All Natasha could do was smile and take a seat at the breakfast bar. Not seeming to mind one bit. Especially not with her godchildren. The very ones that she spoiled rotten, claiming that it was her god-given right to do so. Steve couldn't be too sore with her though, he was glad that she was there and loved his kids as much as she loved him.

After a moment, Bucky suggested, "How about you go sit and I'll take care of this."

"I'm fine," Steve half-lied. Stubborn as the day he was born, he continued unpacking even though his ankles were swollen, and his back was beyond sore.

"Stevie," Bucky warned. Voice low, "You don't want to overdo it before we christen the house."

Barking out a laugh, Steve elbowed his husband again. Moving out of Bucky's hold, Steve continued putting the dishes away. Trying to get the breakable stuff out of view from the kids. Just in case.

A little more serious, Bucky insisted, "Go take a load off, you don't need to do that."

Bracing his hands at the small of his back, Steve narrowed his eyes at his mate. Never one to be told what to do, Steve studied him. Even though he knew that Bucky meant well – and that, yes, he was in pain – Steve still internally debated. He could, in theory, go kick his feet up and probably take a nap. Or he could organize his house the way he liked it.

Nap. Unpack.

Unpack. Nap.

Nap. Unpack.


"Fine," Steve dramatically sighed and set the mug down. Pouting just a little since his hormones mixed with his hindbrain and dictated that he should organize and nest to prepare for the arrival of the babies. But he did find comfort when Bucky picked up right where he left off.

"Hey, papa," T'Challa greeted from the sofa. Tiredly, Steve waved while he stretched out on the chaise portion of the sofa.

"How ya feelin'?" Natasha asked, putting an extra pillow behind his back.

Thinking about it for a moment, Steve asked, "Like I ate too much at Thanksgiving and have to wait in line for the restroom."

"Yeah, I don't miss those days," T'Challa chuckled, resting against his own husband.

While Sam wrapped his arms around T'Challa's strong torso, Dum Dum agreed, "Me either. I'm so glad those days are long gone."

"You don't miss babies?" Becca asked her omega.

Dum Dum barked out a laugh, "How can I miss them when more are being born every couple of years."

Steve smiled at that and rubbed over his abdomen. The three inside of him wiggling and trying to find room in his naturally small womb. Poor things, he couldn't help but feel bad about the cramped accommodations.

Bucky laughed from the kitchen. Everyone turned to look at him and Mandy asked, "What's so funny?"

"Becca and Dum Dum are going to be the first to be grandparents."

The rest of the group couldn't help but crack up at it too. Especially the adult Barnes children. All Becca had to say was, "That better not be for a long, long time!" Which only caused more laughter.

Content, Steve rested his head on the sofa's soft cushions. Glad that their new house was already starting to feel like a home.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now