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After ten minutes inside of the four bedroom, three and a half baths, Steve and Bucky were already making plans of how they would decorate. They'd be able to make the other bedroom on the first floor the triplets' nursery. They could make the upstairs the boys' zone. Even giving Oliver his own bedroom while Finn and Kit shared. Hell, they could even make the finished basement into a kids' zone with the living room acting as their playroom. And when the boys got older, they could let them move to the extra bedrooms down there.

After twelve minutes, they were ready to sign. Knowing that this was the perfect house for them. Even coming in under their budget. Mandy sure did know how to do her job as she got them their forever home.

Plus, it helped that they still had that rainy-day fund from Aunt Cecilia.

After thirteen minutes, they were now the owners of their forever home.

"I knew you'd like it," Mandy winked at Steve.

"I love it," Steve confirmed, hand on his back to try and soothe the soreness there.

Bucky rubbed at Steve's shoulders and thanked his sister, "We really appreciate it, DiDi."

"Of course," she grinned, leading the way out of the house. "Just be sure to tell me if I won the bet once you find out you're having all boys."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve joked, "Just for that, we're not telling you at all."

"You're no fun," Mandy childishly stuck her tongue out. "But definitely give me the rundown of the appointment."

"We will," Bucky assured, opening the passenger door for Steve and helping him inside of their van.

Getting comfortable in his seat, Steve waved at Mandy and blew her a kiss as she put SOLD on the sign outside of their house. Of their home. Rubbing his large abdomen, Steve looked up at the brick house with the dark green shutters and couldn't wait to bring the triplets home.

The whole way to the doctor's office, Steve could only think about that nursery. Thinking about how he could paint a mural. Or they could do some sweet, pastel wallpaper. They could do anything. And Steve couldn't wait.

Excitement was strumming through the bond, so Steve gave Bucky's hand an encouraging squeeze. Really hoping that they'd be able to plan for their little ones. Pick names, plan the nursery, and simply adore the way their family continued growing.

Once Steve was weighed in, gave a urine sample, and had his blood pressure checked, Steve was told to relax and that Dr. Cho would be in in a minute. However, instead of being the calm one while Bucky anxiously jiggled his leg, Steve was the one who couldn't stop fidgeting. Shifting every so often and making the paper crinkle and tear underneath him.

"Who's ready to see the babies?" Dr. Cho greeted with a warm smile.

"Definitely me," Steve blew out his breath as one of them kicked particularly harshly.

Dr. Cho observed Steve, but he just waved her concern off as she wheeled the sonogram machine closer to the table. Knowing the drill by now, Steve lifted his shirt and shoved the band of his too-small pants down. Tucking a towel in his waistband, Dr. Cho grabbed the gel and squeezed more than enough, but Steve wasn't going to complain. He was too excited.

Steve's gaze stayed on the screen. Not wanting to miss a single second. With Bucky taking his place beside Steve, they took each other's hands, lacing their fingers together.

"Are we going to find out the sexes today?" Dr. Cho asked, bringing the wand to Steve's bump and running it over his skin.

"Yes," both men answered and glanced at each other while they chuckled. Full of glee and simply giddy, Bucky leaned in, and Steve met him for a sweet kiss.

Moving the wand around and at different angles, Dr. Cho happily announced, "Baby A is –" Steve held his breath in anticipation "– Girl."

Laughing in his pleasant surprise, tears instantly streamed down his face and he wiped at them. Sniffling, Steve looked up at Bucky who was happily crying just as much as he was. Steve lifted his hand up and was thankful when Bucky leaned down to share another kiss with him.

Sniffling, Steve joked, "I guess no one won the bet."

Dr. Cho giggled before finding Baby B, "Boy."

"Boy," Bucky chuckled, "We're used to boys. We're good with boys."

Smiling, Dr. Cho declared, "Well, I see a lot of lace and frills in your future. Baby C is another girl."

"Are you serious?" Steve asked, looking over at his doctor.

The omega nodded and teased, "With how much the three of them wiggle, you're about to have your hands full."

Bucky sniffled and joked, "We already have our hands full. They're gonna be a walk in the park."

"Considering you said Oliver is playing soccer, I'll take your word," Dr. Cho grinned.

While the rest of the appointment went by in a blur, Steve's mind ran through names. Names that he had saved all the way back when they were going through this the first time 'round. Now, Steve and Bucky just had to agree. Agree on three.

With the goo wiped from his stomach and ultrasound pictures in hand, Steve climbed off the table and let Bucky help him out of the room. Making sure to make their next appointment on the way out. The whole walk out to the van, Steve couldn't believe that they were having a girl. Two little girls.

Settling in the passenger seat, Steve decided, "What if we went with family names?"

"You have any suggestions?" Bucky asked, fondly gazing down at the pictures of their son and daughters.

"Geneva," Steve softly answered, "After my mom's mom. Call her, 'Nevie,' for short?"

"It's beautiful," Bucky grinned at his husband. Then, he offered, "We can have a Bitsy. If that's still one that you like. It can be short for Elizabeth. After my great grandmother."

Nodding, Steve wiped his tears, "I always loved the name, 'Bitsy.'"

"Good," Bucky sniffled. "I've always liked Nana Bella's dad's name, Cornelius. 'Corey,' for short. I mean, I always was a Boy Meets World fan."

Steve laughed, and nodded before he worried his lower lip, Steve started, "I know that it's considered bad luck to use living people's names, but... But what if... What if we used your parents' names as middle names? I just don't want them to think that we don't care about them if we use my mom's name."

Kissing the back of Steve's hand, Bucky assured, "I don't think they'll care either way, but I like that idea. I like honoring the people who raised us."

"Good," Steve wiped more of his tears away. Then, he laughed and admitted, "I can't believe we're having two girls. Two girls and a boy!"

"Me either," Bucky laughed along with him. Kissing his hand again before letting go so he could put the ultrasound pictures in his wallet. Starting the van, he asked, "You ready?"

"Definitely," Steve answered, focused on his bump and their children growing in there. I can't wait to meet you.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now