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The bright lights of the camera flash as I pose for the newest cover of DAZED magazine. The photo shoot lights are hot as they beam down on me to catch the perfect scene.

I've been here for four hours. The first hour was hair and makeup. The interview was an hour. The last two have been taking multiple shots in different outfits to capture the perfect cover.

Being interviewed as an aerial artist and model for top brands is something that I haven't done in a while. Since before I had my son.

This is my second shoot since I've had him. The first was when he was four months. He's six months now and DAZED magazine is the first to ask about my absence from the industry.

Tabloids and other internet spaces have questioned it. My fans have backed me tremendously under the speculation of my pregnancy. Most media outlets have said the same thing.

Knowing that I live a public but private life. No one has ever assumed my relationship status. There have been rumors as there will always. I can't help that. I never intend to. Let them wonder.

MTV UK was my favorite response to my absence.

Amaria lives a private life. If she is pregnant, then let her keep her peace for it. We don't know if she's in a relationship or not. She keeps the boundary between her fans and herself as just that.

They are an extension of her success and she loves them just as they love her. But she isn't one to feed into the delusion that they need to know everything about her life.

If she decides that she wants to expose these things about herself then she will. Her fans will welcome her with open arms as they've always done.

But she's not one to be pushed around by any means. Nobody is going to bully her into revealing her life and she's proven that time and time again.

She's young, successful and crazy talented. As the public, we should be focusing on just that until she decides, if she ever does, to reveal other things.

Written by Raf Cruz. He's one of my favorite interviewers. Most celebrities love him. He's always respectful of boundaries and hot takes. His opinion is one that my fans take into high consideration. My interviews with him are always highly anticipated.

This one with DAZED is even more so. Everyone's been assuming my pregnancy. For the first time, it's going to be confirmed and revealed. They won't see my son any time soon though. Maybe ever. He favors his father entirely too much.


"That's a wrap, Mari." The photographer says and claps as his team joins in. "Come see them. I know you're going to look."

"I have to look, Mario. How else am I going to know what your vision is." I tell him as I approach the monitors. He clicks through the photos and I point out the ones that I like the most.

"You need little to no editing but I'll send the final cuts to you when I get them done. Your skin is still glowing post baby."

"Thank you. It's good to hear someone tell me that. I feel a mess all of the time." I tell him as he finishes showing me the photos.

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