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"Oh my god. I am so sorry. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that just was for you." Agust holds his hand against his mouth after hearing everything that I just told him.

He is someone that I tell everything to; much like Taemin. 

"I don't know what he was trying to prove. But I didn't like it."

"I wouldn't either. Having some asshole speak on the mother of my child like that. Ugh. I'm sorry. I probably was no help at all." He's referring to his comments on her posts and his reaction in the video.

"You didn't know. I know that you meant no harm. If circumstances weren't what they are, I'd trust you with her."

"Uhn. Uh, uhn. Amaria is one of the most beautiful women that I've ever seen in my life but you're my best friend. You two have a baby. I couldn't do that. It's weird to think about now. I mean, she's still sexy as hell. But there's a different mindset." He says as he stares off into space.

"I also feel kind of toxic right now. I might call my ex...so there's that." He says nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about her. Are you guys back together now?" I ask him. I completely forgot about her. They're on and off. Not all the way toxic but they definitely don't need to be together.

"I don't know... she called me a few days ago. We're fine now, I guess. Not completely together."

I shake my head and laugh. "You two are a mess."

"I know. We talked about a lot yesterday. I'm sure that you understand. When you and Yujin argue and don't speak for a couple hours.

"But you hate the thought of not speaking to her so you think of all sorts of ways to keep her attention so she talks and breaks first. She might be ignoring you but you want her to stop kinda thing. Ulch, feelings." Yoongi fake gags and I crack a smile.

Yujin and I don't do that. We argue and it escalates until she starts yelling when I make valid points. And then she doesn't speak to me like I'm the problem. I don't care when she does that because I'm not wrong. She never apologizes. We just have sex and are fine after.

Or I talk it out to her because she ignores me. Then I just leave her alone until she feels like talking.

Agust sees the look on my face. "You guys have never gotten into an argument and she walked away so you followed her to make her talk?"

"No, I let her stay mad. I'm not going to provoke her so she can yell at me. That's counterproductive."

"Well then never mind then. You're very mature and I commend you on that. Sienna has a very specific way of getting under my skin. You'll understand one day. Yujin will push your buttons. Not in a way that makes you want to leave her but in a way that's like 'you pissed me off, I'm gonna make sure you can't walk later. But for now, give me attention'. It's complicated."

I think about what he said as we walk back to the main party room. Yujin doesn't necessarily push my buttons, she just irritates me. Is that the same thing?

I don't know. We argue and I feel like I could go forever without talking to her until she apologizes if she's the one in the wrong. I have no desire to be around her when we fight. If I'm in the wrong then I apologize and that's that.

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