.matte finish.

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⚠️domestic disturbance|abuse


"Alright, that's a wrap for the day. Good job, guys. That was great. We'll see you tomorrow." The director and crew cheer and clap for us. We all say goodbye to each other as we leave from the site.

I walk into the dressing room and put on my thick sweatsuit. Checking my phone as I walk out, I see pictures that my mom sent me of Kailo way earlier in the day.

A few hours after she sent them, I have two missed from Jimin. He sent a text after the first one. All that it says is 'call me'.

Did something happen with Kailo?

I call my mom on the way to the car and she answers on the third ring. She sounds tired or like she was sleeping. I look at the time. It's 11 o'clock.

"Mom? Is Kailo okay?" I ask. My voice sounds more panicked than I intend for it to.

"Yeah, baby. He's fine. He's sleeping. Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just... Jimin called me twice earlier and I know that he came over there. I thought something had happened."

"No, everything is fine. It was good when he came over too. He met your father and they clicked so everything went great. Call him and see what he wanted. Everything's fine over here."

"Okay, mom. Thank you. I love you guys. Kiss Kai for me." I hang up the phone and go to Jimin's text thread. I don't know what could've prompted him to call me twice. He knew that I was working so I assume it was an emergency.

My driver drops me off at home and makes sure that I get inside. I don't like being here by myself. I never have. It reminds me of how lonely it is without Kailo. I text Ivelisse to see if she's up and she doesn't text back.

She has work in the morning. Of course she's not going to answer.

I hover over the call feature on Jimin's contact card. I feel nervous about calling him and I'm not sure why. I tap it before I can think any further. It rings twice before he picks up.

"Hello?" Definitely not his voice.

"Hi, Yujin. Um, Jimin called me twice earlier. I'm sorry for calling so late. I just got done at my shoot. I was just returning his call. Nothing bad happened, right?"

"Oh. No, he's fine. He's sleeping right now. I'll let him know that you called in the morning."

"Okay. Thank you." I say before we hang up. Why do I feel so jittery about having done that? Maybe because it's so late. I hope that she doesn't think there's anything weird going on between us because of that.

I shake off the feeling and walk upstairs. After I take a shower, I feel better about the day. My mom said that Kailo is fine. Yujin said that Jimin is fine. Everything is okay.

My phone starts ringing as I put lotion on. I pick it up and read the contact. I stare at it for a while before answering.

"Are you home?"

I look downstairs and see a glow from the living room. I left the lamp on. I can't even lie to him and say that I'm not.


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